New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 10
West-Central New Mexico


James E. Weir, Jr. and Elmer H. Baltz, eds., 1959, 162 pages ( Reprinted 1996).

The Tenth Annual Field Conference traverses a region which has received little attention by geologists. Mining in the mountains south of Magdalena has been an industry of some note for decades, but only recently has the petroleum geologists' interest in west-central New Mexico been aroused. The structure of most of west-central New Mexico is simple. Broad folds typical of the Colorado Plateau province account for the main part of the structural deformation in the region. The eastern part of the field trip is characterized by complex block faulting and, locally, overthrusting on the western margin of the Rio Grande trough. Rocks exposed in the field-trip area range in age from Precambrian to Recent, and consist of sedimentary, metamorphic, intrusive igneous and volcanic types. The first day the field trip travels from Socorro to Grants via Magdalena, Kelly, Rio Salado, Red Lake, and Acoma. The second day looks at the geology between Grants and Gallup with stops at El Morro National Monument, Ramah, Pinehaven, and McGaffey. The last day the field trip travels from Gallup back to Socorro via Zuni Pueblo, Fence Lake, Salt Lake, and Quemado.

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Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

Download (1.07 MB PDF)

Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

First day road log, Socorro to Grants via Magdalena, Kelly, Rio Salado, Red Lake, and Acoma
— Max E. Willard, J. H. Schillling, R. H. Weber, R. W. Foster, R. E. Ostrander, F. E. Kottlowski, and James Smith, pp. 13-24.
Second day road log, Grants to Gallup via El Morro National Monument, Ramah, Pinehaven, and McGaffey
— Clay T. Smith, pp. 25-36.
Third day road log, Gallup to Socorro via Zuni Pueblo, Fence Lake, Salt Lake, and Quemado
— Roy W. Foster, pp. 37-46.
Supplementary road log, Ramah to McGaffey, via Ruin Canyon and Page
— Clay T. Smith, pp. 47-50.


Jurassic rocks of the Zuni Mountains (1.64 MB PDF)
— Clay T. Smith, pp. 74-80.
Plio-Pleistocene sediments and climates of the San Augustin Plains, New Mexico (877 KB PDF)
— Fred Foreman, K. H. Clisby, P. B. Sears, and C. E. with discussion by Stearns, pp. 117-120.

Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Weir, J. E., Jr.; Baltz, E. H.; [eds.], 1959, West-Central New Mexico, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 10th Annual Field Conference, pp.