New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 47
Jemez Mountains Region


Fraser Goff, Barry S. Kues, Margaret Anne Rogers, Les D. McFadden and Jamie N. Gardner, eds, 1996, 484 pages.

This is the first time that a New Mexico Geological Society Field Conference has focused entirely on the Jemez Mountains region. Previous trips through this area were long ago and relatively brief; the third day of the 1961 conference (Albuquerque-Jemez Springs-Los Alamos-San Felipe Pueblo, Guidebook 12), and the third day of the 1974 conference (Abiquiu-Los Alamos-Jemez Springs-Bernalillo, Guidebook 25). Articles or photos touching upon the geology of the Jemez Mountains region have also appeared in Guidebooks 30 (1979), 33 (1982), 35 (1984), 43 (1992) and 46 (1995). It seems that the Jemez Mountains region is a part of a lot of people's "country," but has never received a thorough examination by NMGS before. This conference is overdue, as the Jemez Mountains combines wonderful scenery, diverse and world-renowned geological features, and intensive recent studies by many investigators, some from perspectives not available or considered important in the 1960s and 1970s. The great interest in the Jemez region by dozens of earth scientists at numerous institutions is amply demonstrated by the size of this guidebook - with 50 papers, three detailed road logs, and about 500 pages, this is the largest single volume ever published by the New Mexico Geological Society. The first day road log travels from Bernalillo to San Ysidro, Southern Nacimiento Mountains, Guadalupe Box, Jemez Springs, Valles Caldera, and Los Alamos. The second day road log is from Los Alamos thorugh Valle Caldera. The final day is from Los Alamos through the southeastern Jemez Mountains to Cochiti Pueblo and the Rio Grande.

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Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

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Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

First-day road log: From Bernalillo to San Ysidro, southern Nacimiento Mountains, Guadalupe Box, Jemez Springs, Valles Caldera, and Los Alamos (30.88 MB PDF)
— Margaret Anne Rogers, Barry S. Kues, Fraser Goff, Frank J. Pazzaglia, Lee A. Woodward, Spencer G. Lucas, and Jamie N. Gardner, pp. 1-39.


Contrasting depositional environments of the Morrison Formation and San Rafael Group in northern New Mexico
— Orin J. Anderson, Spencer G. Lucas, and Lee A. Woodward, pp. 5-6.
Selachian fauna from the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) Mancos Shale, near San Ysidro, New Mexico
— Thomas E. Williamson and Barry S. Kues, pp. 6-7.
Tectonics of Nacimiento uplift and adjacent areas
— Lee A. Woodward, pp. 11-12.
Travertine mound springs along the margin of the San Juan Basin, Sandoval County, New Mexico
— Rebecca D. Gardner, Laura J. Crossey, Armand Groffman, and Joseph Sterling, pp. 12-13.
Warm Spring--The Spring that wasn't
— T. E. Kelly, pp. 14.
History of formation and drainage of Pleistocene lakes in the Valles Caldera
— John B. Rogers, Gary A. Smith, and Harold Rowe, pp. 14-16.
Late Paleozoic fossil vertebrates from the Spanish Queen mine locality and vicinity, Sandoval County, New Mexico
— Adrian P. Hunt and Spencer G. Lucas, pp. 22.
Pennsylvanian cycles in the Upper Madera Formation of Canon de San Diego
— David R. Swenson, pp. 23-25.
Late Paleozoic chondrichthyans from the Abo Formation, Sandoval County, New Mexico
— Adrian P. Hunt, Spencer G. Lucas, and Jiri Zidek, pp. 28-29.
Pumice deposits in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico and pumice mining in the Jemez National Recreational Area
— Michael A. Linden and Diane N. Tafoya, pp. 32-33.
Overview of fire history in the Jemez Mountains, New Mexico
— Craig D. Allen, Ramzi Touchan, and Thomas W. Swetnam, pp. 35-36.
Second-day road log from Los Alamos through Valles Caldera and return (12.57 MB PDF)
— Jamie N. Gardner, Fraser Goff, and Margaret Ann Rogers, pp. 41-58. [SUMMARY]


Reservoir geochemistry from flow tests of scientific core holes, Sulphur Springs, Valles Caldera
— Cathy J. Janik and Fraser Goff, pp. 52.
Third-day road log from Los Alamos through the southeastern Jemez Mountains to Cochiti Pueblo and the Rio Grande
— Fraser E. Goff, Steven Reneau, Margaret Ann Rogers, Jamie N. Gardner, Gary Smith, David Broxton, Patrick Longmire, Giday WoldGabriel, Alexis Lavine, and Scott. Aby, pp. 59-91. [SUMMARY]


Distal tephras from the Jemez volcanic center as time-stratigraphic markers in ancestral Rio Grande sediments from the Socorro area
— Nelia W. Dunbar, W. C. McIntosh, S. M. Cather, R. M. Chamberlin, B. Harrison, and P. R. Kyle, pp. 69-70.
A conceptual model for flow in the vadose zone beneath the Finger Mesas of the Pajarito Plateau
— H. J. Turin and N. D. Rosenberg, pp. 74-76.
Characteristics of springs in the western Pajarito Plateau, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico
— Michael R. Dale and Steve Yanicak, pp. 77-78.
A brief history of the Cochiti mining district
— Dorothy Hoard, pp. 81-82.
The terraces of Cochiti Canyon
— Scott B. Aby, pp. 86-88.
The geology of Tent Rocks
— Gary A. Smith, pp. 89-90.

Roadlog References:

Download (5.71 MB PDF)


A history of Los Alamos, New Mexico (4.97 MB PDF)
— Marjorie Bell Chambers and Linda K. Aldrich, pp. 101-106. [ABSTRACT]
Gravity modeling of the Valles Caldera (5.86 MB PDF)
— D. A. G. Nowell, pp. 121-128. [ABSTRACT]
Tracing crustal isotherms under the western margin of the Jemez Mountains using SAGE and industry magnetotelluric data (3.94 MB PDF)
— George R. Jiracek, Christopher L. Kinn, Clark L. Scott, Kuykendall, Martha, G., W. Scott Baldridge, Shawn Biehler, Lawrence W. Braile, John F. Ferguson, and Bernard Gilpin, pp. 129-133. [ABSTRACT]
Earthquake potential and ground shaking hazard at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (5.35 MB PDF)
— Ivan G. Wong, Keith Kelson, Susan Olig, Jacqueline Bott, Robert Green, Thomas Kolbe, Mark Hemphill-Haley, Jamie N. Gardner, Steven Reneau, and Walter. Silva, pp. 135-142. [ABSTRACT]
The earthquake potential of the Pajarito Fault system, New Mexico (6.92 MB PDF)
— Susan S. Olig, Kelson, Keith, I., Jamie N. Gardner, Steven L. Reneau, and Mark Hemphill-Haley, pp. 143-152. [ABSTRACT]
Late Pleistocene and possibly Holocene displacement along the Rendija Canyon Fault, Los Alamos County, New Mexico (5.83 MB PDF)
— Keith I. Kelson, Mark Hemphill-Haley, Susan S. Olig, Simpson, Gary, D., Jamie N. Gardner, Steven L. Reneau, Thomas R. Kolbe, Steven L. Forman, and Ivan G. Wong, pp. 153-160. [ABSTRACT]
What is the Cochiti Formation? (5.43 MB PDF)
— Gary A. Smith and Alexis Lavine, pp. 219-224. [ABSTRACT]
Outline of the petrology and geochemistry of the Keres Group lavas and tuffs (5.13 MB PDF)
— Rachel Ellisor, John A. Wolff, and Jamie N. Gardner, pp. 237-242. [ABSTRACT]
Temporal and geochemical trends of lavas in White Rock Canyon and the Pajarito Plateau, Jemez volcanic field (7.01 MB PDF)
— Giday WoldeGabriel, A. William Laughlin, David P. Dethier, and Matthew. Heizler, pp. 251-262. [ABSTRACT]
Geochronology and geochemistry of the Cerro Toledo Rhyolite (4.19 MB PDF)
— Terry L. Spell, Philip R. Kyle, and Joel Baker, pp. 263-268. [ABSTRACT]
Natural major and trace element background geochemistry of selected soil profiles, Los Alamos, New Mexico (5.54 MB PDF)
— Eric V. McDonald, Patrick A. Longmire, Paula M. Watt, Randall T. Ryti, and Steven L. Reneau, pp. 375-382. [ABSTRACT]
Erosion and deposition on the Pajarito Plateau, New Mexico, and implications for geomorphic responses to late Quaternary climatic changes (5.69 MB PDF)
— Steven L. Reneau, Eric V. McDonald, Jamie N. Gardner, Thomas R. Kolbe, John S. Carney, Paula M. Watt, and Patrick A. Longmire, pp. 391-397. [ABSTRACT]
Holocene evolution of canyons and implications for contaminant transport, Pajarito Plateau (5.26 MB PDF)
— Paul G. Drakos, Jay Lazarus, and Christopher. Inque, pp. 399-406. [ABSTRACT]
Recharge to Pajarito Plateau regional aquifer system (5.03 MB PDF)
— David B. Rogers, Alan K. Stoker, Stephen G. McLin, and Bruce M. Gallaher, pp. 407-412. [ABSTRACT]
Vadose zone infiltration beneath the Pajarito Plateau at Los Alamos National Laboratory (5.04 MB PDF)
— David B. Rogers, Bruce M. Gallaher, and Erik K. Vold, pp. 413-420. [ABSTRACT]
Runoff and erosion on the Pajarito Plateau: observations from the field (4.46 MB PDF)
— Bradford P. Wilcox, Brent D. Newman, Craig D. Allen, Kevin D. Reid, David Brandes, John Pitlick, and David W. Davenport, pp. 433-439. [ABSTRACT]
Aqueous geochemistry of upper Los Alamos Canyon, Los Alamos, New Mexico (6.15 MB PDF)
— Patrick A. Longmire, Stephen Kung, Jeremy M. Boak, Andrew I. Adams, Florie Caporuscio, and Robert N. Gray, pp. 473-480. [ABSTRACT]

Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Goff, F.; Kues, B. S.; Rogers, M. A.; McFadden, L. S.; Gardner, J. N.; [eds.], 1996, Jemez Mountains Region, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 47th Annual Field Conference, 484 pp.