Selachians from the Hosta Tongue of the Point Lookout Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous, Santonian), central New Mexico
— Thomas E. Williamson, Spencer G. Lucas, and Randy Pence


Selachian taxa collected from the Santonian Hosta Tongue of the Point Lookout Sandstone at NMMNH locality 297 in central New Mexico are: Scapanorhynchus raphiodon, Squalicorax kaupi, Hybodus cf. H. butleri, Ptychodus mortoni, Cantioscyllium decipiens, Squatina sp., Ptychotrygon triangularis, Ischyrhiza mira, cf. Onchosaurus sp., cf. Pseudohypolophus sp. and cf. Lamnoidea. These selachians include pelagic taxa (Squalicorax and Scapanorhynchus) that were streamlined, active predators and benthic taxa (PseudohypolophusPtychodus, Hybodus, Ischyrhiza, Onchosaurus and Contioscyllium) that ate a varied diet of bivalves, cephalopods, crustaceans and small fish. The Hosta Tongue selachian assemblage suggests that pelagic lamnoid sharks were the most abundant large marine vertebrates in the nearshore environment in which the fossils

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Williamson, Thomas E.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Pence, Randy, 1989, Selachians from the Hosta Tongue of the Point Lookout Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous, Santonian), central New Mexico, in: Southeastern Colorado Plateau, Anderson, Orin J.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Love, David W.; Cather, Steven M., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 40th Field Conference, pp. 239-245.

[see guidebook]