Tetropod footprints from the lower Permian Yeso Group, Mockingbird Gap, Socorro County, New Mexico
— Spencer G. Lucas and Justin A. Spielmann


We document an ichnofossil assemblage from the lower part of the Yeso Group (Arroyo de Alamillo Formation) at Mockingbird Gap on the White Sands Missile Range of southern New Mexico. Dromopus dominates the assemblage, followed in decreasing order of abundance by Batrachichnus and rare Gilmoreichnus and aff. Dimetropus. This footprint assemblage comes from a tidal flat sandstone lithofacies and closely resembles some older, Abo Formation footprint assemblages from similar lithofacies. The Mockingbird Gap Yeso footprints well represent the Batrachichnus ichnofacies and are a characteristic Early Permian red-bed footprint assemblage.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Lucas, Spencer G.; Spielmann, Justin A., 2009, Tetropod footprints from the lower Permian Yeso Group, Mockingbird Gap, Socorro County, New Mexico, in: Geology of the Chupadera Mesa, Lueth, Virgil W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Chamberlin, Richard M., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 60th Field Conference, pp. 305-310. https://doi.org/10.56577/FFC-60.305

[see guidebook]