Reconnaissance geology of the Sante Fe Group near Amalia, New Mexico
— Steven M. Cather


The rift-related sedimentary and volcanic rocks of the Amalia area record two distinct phases of aggradation. The Miocene lower Santa Fe Group was deposited by dominantly fluvial processes in a northeasttilted half-graben (Amalia basin) by laterally opposed piedmont systems and an axial system that flowed to the northwest. These deposits are unconformably overlain by the upper Santa Fe Group, which consists of the lower Pliocene Servilleta Basalt and interbedded gravels.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Cather, Steven M., 1990, Reconnaissance geology of the Sante Fe Group near Amalia, New Mexico, in: Tectonic development of the southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico, Bauer, Paul W.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Mawer, Christopher K.; McIntosh, William C., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 41st Field Conference, pp. 337-340.

[see guidebook]