Sequence stratigraphy in ramp settings--With application to upper Cretaceous rocks in the San Juan Basin
— Dag Nummedal


Sequence stratigraphy provides a perspective on the stratigraphic record in which correlation of rocks is based, in part, on conceptual models of how sediments are transferred from source areas to sinks in sedimentary basins. Fundamental to such "genetic stratigraphy" is the recognition that erosional surfaces ("source diastems") in some locations correlate in time to packages of rocks elsewhere. Some authors refer to this as the "principle of reciprocal sedimentation." A sequence stratigraphic study of a sedimentary basin is a sophisticated chronostratigraphic analysis in which the distribution of both rocks and their bounding surfaces are properly accounted for in time and space.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Nummedal, Dag, 1992, Sequence stratigraphy in ramp settings--With application to upper Cretaceous rocks in the San Juan Basin, in: San Juan Basin IV, Lucas, Spencer, G.; Kues, Barry S.; Williamson, Thomas E.; Hunt, Adrian P., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 43rd Field Conference, pp. 185-186.

[see guidebook]