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Koning, Daniel J; McIntosh, William; Dunbar, Nelia, 2011, Geology of southern Black Mesa, Espanola Basin, New Mexico: New stratigraphic age control and interpretation of the southern Embudo fault system of the Rio Grande rift, in: Geology of the Tusas Mountains and Ojo Caliente Area, Koning, Daniel J.; Karlstrom, Karl E.; Kelley, Shari A.; Lueth, Virgil W.; Aby, Scott B., ed(s), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 62nd Field Conference, pp. 191-214.  ISBN: 978-1-58546-097-7
Repository: 2011001 < >

Data Description:

Supplementary 40Ar/39Ar data.


File Name Size Last Modified
Black_Mesa_biotite.xls 68 KB 09/23/2011 05:45:00 PM
Black_Mesa_groundmass.xls 136 KB 09/23/2011 05:37:00 PM
Black_Mesa_NMGS Appendix.pdf 289 KB 09/23/2011 05:47:00 PM
OF-AR 37.pdf 566 KB 07/08/2011 09:10:06 AM
Table_1_ages.doc 43 KB 07/08/2011 09:09:53 AM