Image Gallery

The photographs and figures shown on this page and on the banner of our website generally highlight interesting geological features in New Mexico and adjacent regions. Others show NMGS members in the field or attending NMGS events. Many of these images were taken during our Annual Fall Field Conferences.

Click on any image to start a slideshow.

Mt. Taylor Field Conference - Day 1, Stop 2
Bass man Martin
The southern escarpment of the Guadalupe Mountains viewed from Salt Flat
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2011 Fall Field Conference
Kelsey McNamera, Nelia Dunbar, Laila Sturgis, Gina Rone, and Shari Kelly in Nogal Canyon
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Kirt Kempter
Bill McIntosh
Mt. Taylor field conference, Day 3, Stop 3
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2018 Fall Field Conference
Photograph of a person standing atop a rock outcrop while two people stand below.
Travertine dam
Mt. Taylor Field Conference - Day 1
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Organ Mountains
Mt. Taylor Field Conference - Day-1
Photograph of several people seated on a riverbank while two people swim in the river.
Taking a dip
Photograph of two people looking at a rock outcrop.
Examining a travertine dam
"Unconformity Butte" near San Lorenzo Canyon
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Dan Koning
Rillenkarren formed in gypsum near an entrance to Parks Ranch cave
Mt. Taylor Field Conference - Day 3
Mt. Taylor Field Conference - Day-2