Preliminary report on a late Pleistocene microfauna from Whut Cave, Cibola County, New Mexico
— Richard A. Smartt and David J. Hafner


Late Pleistocene and Holocene bone- and shell-bearing deposits tin Mesa del Oro, Cibola County. New Mexico, were excavated and analysed. Extralimital mammal species for the mesa include voles (Microtus sp.) and the sagebrush vole (Lagurus curtatus). Land snails that no longer live on the mesa include Zonitoidez arhoreus, Pupilla muscorum, Pupilla blandi, Pupoides hordaceus, ValIonia cyclophorella, Vallonia gracilicosta and Gastrocopta pilsbryana. Based on faunal changes stratigraphically. it appears that two distinct climatic periods are represented. The earlier levels contain a fauna indicative of wetter, boreal-like conditions similar to those found in the nearby mountains today. This suggests a boreal expansion downward to the lower elevations of the Mesa del Oro area. The higher levels have a fauna indicative of Great Basin climatic conditions with cooler temperatures and a more equable distribution at precipitation through the year

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Smartt, Richard A.; Hafner, David J., 1989, Preliminary report on a late Pleistocene microfauna from Whut Cave, Cibola County, New Mexico, in: Southeastern Colorado Plateau, Anderson, Orin J.; Lucas, Spencer G.; Love, David W.; Cather, Steven M., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 40th Field Conference, pp. 281-285.

[see guidebook]