Geochemistry of Capulin-phase Flows in the Raton-Clayton Volcanic Field
— Frank C. Ramos, Matthew J. Zimmerer, Kate E. Zeigler, Sidney Pinkerton, and Nick Butterfield


Capulin-phase basalts, trachybasalts, and trachyandesites of the Raton Clayton volcanic field erupted in the Folsom area of northeastern New Mexico between 54 and 37 ka have a range of compositional and isotopic signatures. Basalts and trachyandesites from Capulin Volcano define a separate suite that are likely associated through crystal fractionation and assimilation processes. High-MgO basalt erupted at Baby Capulin is least differentiated and best represents the trace element and isotope character of mantle underlying this region of the Great Plains, which is different than basalts erupted in the Rio Grande rift. Additional younger ~37 ka basalts erupted from Twin Mountain and Purvine Hills share strikingly similar major, trace element and isotope characteristics that may originate from eruptions that tapped the same magma chamber at different times.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Ramos, Frank C.; Zimmerer, Matthew J.; Zeigler, Kate E.; Pinkerton, Sidney; Butterfield, Nick, 2019, Geochemistry of Capulin-phase Flows in the Raton-Clayton Volcanic Field, in: Geology of the Raton-Clayton Area, Ramos, Frank; Zimmerer, Matthew J.; Zeigler, Kate; Ulmer-Scholle, Dana, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 70th Field Conference, pp. 139-149.

[see guidebook]