The Ceratopsian dinosaur Torosaurus from the Upper Cretaceous McRae Formation, Sierra County, New Mexico
— Spencer G. Lucas, Greg H. Mack, and John W. Estep


A partial skull and some associated postcrania of a large ceratopsid dinosaur from the Hall Lake Member of the McRae Formation are identified as Torosaurus latus Marsh. This further confirms assignment of a Lancian (late Maastrichtian) age to the Hall Lake Member.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Lucas, Spencer G.; Mack, Greg H.; Estep, John W., 1998, The Ceratopsian dinosaur Torosaurus from the Upper Cretaceous McRae Formation, Sierra County, New Mexico, in: Las Cruces Country II, Mack, G. H.; Austin, G. S.; Barker, J. M., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 49th Field Conference, pp. 223-227.

[see guidebook]