Radiometric ages of Precambrian rocks from central New Mexico
— Douglas G. Brookins


Radiometric ages for Precambrian rocks from central New Mexico have been reported by several authors (Brookins, 1974; Brookins and Majumdar, 1982; Brookins and others, 1978; White, 1978; Mukho-padhyay and others, 1975). The early U-Pb and Th-Pb dates by several investigators are summarized in Brookins (1974) and will not be repeated here. The other references deal primarily with Rb-Sr and K-Ar dates, and these are discussed in this paper. It should be pointed out, however, that many of these rocks are under re-investigation, and the dates and interpretations offered here are subject to revision (see Bowring and Condie, 1982).

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Brookins, Douglas G., 1982, Radiometric ages of Precambrian rocks from central New Mexico, in: Albuquerque Country II, Grambling, J. A.; Wells, S. G., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 33rd Field Conference, pp. 187-189.

[see guidebook]