New Mexico Geological Society
Special Publication - 1
Bibliography and Index of the New Mexico Geological Society Guidebooks, 1950-63


Sidney R. Ash, compiler, 1964, 31 pages, NMGS.

The New Mexico Geological Society has published 14 guidebooks in connection with the field conferences that it has held annually since 1950. These guidebooks contain about 400 articles, notes, abstracts, and road logs concerning the geology and natural history of the several areas considered during the Field conferences in parts of New Mexico, Arizona, and Colorado. Some of the articles contain new information whereas others are compilations or reviews of old data which, in some cases, have been brought up to date. Other articles contain the only modern geologic information on certain areas. Although the road logs are of particular value to the newcomer, they can be useful to the "old hand" as well. Thus, the guidebooks and the material they contain can not be ignored by any geologist working in this region, and it is hoped that the following bibliography and index will facilitate mining this wealth of information. All of the articles, notes, and abstracts contained in the guidebooks are listed and indexed below. The road logs are not listed or indexed but their routes are shown on the Figure (in pocket). I am grateful to all who have assisted me in the preparation of this bibliography. In particular, I should like to acknowledge the helpful suggestions of Doctors Elmer H. Boltz, Wolfgang Elston, Fred Kuellmer, Stuart A. Northrop,and Mr. Charles B. Read; the careful typing of the manuscript by Mrs. Mary Paul; and the drafting of figure 1 by Mrs. Diana Boltz.

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