Wacky Wild Water Planet Day 2021

(click for a larger version)
Courtesy of Stacy Timmons

— April 19, 2021

Virtual school event - target audience grades 4th - 8th

REGISTER NOW! https://forms.gle/ejD52GH3zTjJkSYQ7

Hosted by New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources with the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science.

Monday April 19, 2021

IMPROVE YOUR CONNECTION WITH WATER. As we celebrate Earth Day, we also want to acknowledge WATER as it makes up ~98% of our special planet! Join us to learn more about how we work with water in New Mexico, where it comes from, and how it moves through our state.

Draft Agenda -
10am - Welcome and introduction to the Water Planet Day Event

10:05-10:30am - Activities and educational presentations / demonstrations showcasing water's role and importance on our planet and in New Mexico.

10:30-11am - A facilitated, interactive question and answer session. We encourage participants to "pre-submit" their wacky water questions using this form, and you may be able to ask a question during the zoom event on April 19.

Questions? Contact Cynthia.Connolly@nmt.edu

Register by April 5, by using this Google Form.

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