Our Publications

Publication sales for the society, both online and retail, are handled under contract by the publications staff of New Mexico Bureau of Geology.

Our online ordering system uses 128 bit SSL encryption to ensure the security of your personal information. Please see our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy for more information.
To purchase an item, click on the 'Buy Now' buttons to add the item to your shopping cart. You can pay for online purchases by credit card (either via our secure site or over the phone), or you can stop by the Bookstore at the New Mexico Bureau of Geology in Socorro to pick up your order. You can also order entirely by phone.
Prices shown do not include sales tax that is applicable only to orders billed or shipped to NM addresses.
Discounts are available to students, teachers, and retailers, and also to members during our Spring Sale (during the month of our Spring Meeting -- usually in April).

New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources — Publications Office
New Mexico Institue of Mining & Technology
801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801-4796
phone: (575) 835-5490