NMGS Foundation — 2025 Funding Goals

The New Mexico Geological Society (NMGS) has a distinguished history as one of the premier state geologic organizations in the country, dating to its founding in 1947.  Some of the attributes that differentiate the NMGS from other state geological societies is the ready access to world-class geologic outcrops and the society’s efforts to encourage young geoscience students to move beyond the classroom and into this natural laboratory to gain hands-on experience. 

Charitable contributions to the Foundation are used to support activities that include:  Grants-in-Aid to students undertaking geological research in New Mexico, scholarships to students attending New Mexico’s 4-year colleges and research universities and student  participation in the annual NMGS Fall Field Trip and the Spring Meeting.

Supporting student research, participation in NMGS annual field trips and meetings will continue the legacy of NMGS as a premier contributor to student education in the geosciences.  Our goal for 2025 is to raise $30,000 in gifts to continue this support. To ensure the success of this campaign, NMGS Foundation Board members have again committed to match the first $15,000 of funding, dollar for dollar.  Our annual funding success will positively impact student and faculty contributions to our science as well as the NMGS.

Please join us in expanding the resources available to geoscience students in New Mexico. If you are interested in establishing your legacy and expanding the resources available to NMGS students, please consider creating your own scholarship or endowment.

Example Donation Levels

We are happy to receive donations in any amount, but for larger amounts , various options are possible for scholarships (see examples below), which are the primary way donations are put to use.

Endowments (assumes 4% annual yield)

  • Academic Scholarship – minimum $25,000 yields $1000 per year
  • Graduate Scholarship – minimum $50,000 yields $2000 per year
  • Graduate Fellowship – minimum $100,000 yields $4000 per year

Annual Scholarships

  • Academic scholarship $1000 annually for 5 years:  $5,000 total
  • Academic scholarship $1500 annually for 4 years:  $6,000 total
  • Academic scholarship $2000 annually for 5 years:  $10,000 total
  • Academic scholarship $2500 annually for 4 years:  $10,000 total

James Cearley — NMGS Foundation Outreach Officer, at jbcearley@gmail.com, 832-623-1437 to discuss these options.

The New Mexico Geological Society and NMGS Foundation are 501 (c)(3) organizations and any donations we receive are tax deductable.