November 10, 2023
Each year, the New Mexico Geological Society recognizes an individual who, over the years, has made extraordinary contributions to the Society and presents the person with a lifetime honorary membership. James Cearley, the NMGS Foundation Outreach Officer, is the awardee in 2023.
James Cearley has a BS in Geology from the University of Texas at El Paso (1978) and retired from Chevron in 2013 after 35 years of service. He held numerous technical and management positions at nine different locations. He retired as General Manager of Deepwater Exploration in the Gulf of Mexico where he managed an active and successful exploration drilling program. Prior assignments included Gulf of Mexico Shelf Exploration Manager in New Orleans, Deepwater Product & Services Manager for Chevron Exploration Technology Company in New Orleans, Research Geology Manager for Chevron Exploration Technology Company in La Habra, CA, and Development Geology, Earth Science Team leader for Midcontinent Business Unit in Houston. He also served as the Sponsorship Chairman for the GCAGS Annual Convention in 2005 and the Sponsorship Chairman for the 2011 AAPG Annual Convention and received the AAPG Certificate of Merit for fundraising results. Upon retirement, James joined the UTEP College of Science Advisory board and currently serves as the Chairman and leads the Alumni Outreach Team.
As the NMGS Foundation Outreach Officer, James has helped increase donations to fund student geoscience research in New Mexico and student attendance at the Annual Spring Meeting and Fall Field Conference.
Congratulations James and thank you for your service to NMGS!