Tetrapod footprints from the Middle Triassic (Perovkan-Early Anisian) Moenkopi Formation, west-central New Mexico
— Spencer G. Lucas, Andrew B. Heckert, and Adrian P. Hunt


Tetrapod footprints from a locality near Prewitt, Cibola County, New Mexico, are in the lower part of the Anton Chico Member of the Moenkopi Formation. These Perovkan age (early Anisian) footprints represent three tetrapod ichnotaxa: swimming traces, Chirotherium and Therapsipus. These New Mexican Moenkopi tracks are part of a Euaramerican Chirotherium ichnofauna of Early-Middle Triassic age. They also reaffi rm that the tetrapod ichnofauna of the Moenkopi Formation, which is archosaur and dicynodont dominated, is sampling a different vertebrate fauna than the temnospondyl-dominated body fossil assemblages of the unit.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Lucas, Spencer G.; Heckert, Andrew B.; Hunt, Adrian P., 2003, Tetrapod footprints from the Middle Triassic (Perovkan-Early Anisian) Moenkopi Formation, west-central New Mexico, in: Geology of the Zuni Plateau, Lucas, Spencer G.; Semken, Steven C.; Berglof, William R.; Ulmer-Scholle, Dana S., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 54th Field Conference, pp. 241-244. https://doi.org/10.56577/FFC-54.241

[see guidebook]