Trail log 3: The Gallinas Nature Trail - Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge
— J. Zebrowski and J. Lindline


This trail log was created to highlight geo¬logic and historic points of interest along the Gallinas Nature Trail. The trail meanders through fields of native grasses and wildflowers, past historic ruins, and descends approximately 250 ft (76 m) into one of the many box canyons that surround the refuge. The vegetation in the side canyons is generally thick, with piñon pine, juniper, and ponderosa pine providing cover. A short descent into the canyon brings travelers to an oasis in this other¬wise arid zone—a small seep, surrounded by vegetation, which provides habitat for an assortment of small fish, amphibians, crustaceans and aquatic insects.

Note: Full-text Fall Field Conference road logs for recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Recommended Citation:

  1. Zebrowski, J.; Lindline, J., 2015, Trail log 3: The Gallinas Nature Trail - Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge, in: Geology of the Las Vegas Region, , New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 66th Field Conference, pp. 154-157.

[see guidebook]