Groundwater Resources of Union County, New Mexico: A Progress Report
— K.E. Zeigler, B. Podzemny, A. Yuhas, and V. Blumenberg


Beginning in 2007, the Northeastern Soil and Water Conservation District Board began a groundwater monitoring program for Union County in northeastern New Mexico. Repeated regular static water level measurements, sampling of wells and springs for major element chemistry, 14C and tritium, as well as geologic mapping and examination of petroleum and water well data have led to a better understanding of the groundwater resources beneath Union County. Agricultural producers and communities rely on a partitioned system of smaller aquifers created by geologic complexities in the subsurface. Here we provide a progress report on development of data sets related to these groundwater resources and discuss changes in local agricultural management practices that have resulted from these efforts.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Zeigler, K.E.; Podzemny, B.; Yuhas, A.; Blumenberg, V., 2019, Groundwater Resources of Union County, New Mexico: A Progress Report, in: Geology of the Raton-Clayton Area, Ramos, Frank; Zimmerer, Matthew J.; Zeigler, Kate; Ulmer-Scholle, Dana, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 70th Field Conference, pp. 127-137.

[see guidebook]