Supplemental road log 1: From Pierce Canyon (First day Stop 6) to New Mexico Highway 31/128 junction north of Salt Lake, via Mescalero Plain, Los Medanos (WIPP) and Nash Draw
— John W. Hawley and David W. Love


This 30-mi trip covers an alternative route from First Day Stop 6 at Pierce Canyon to the Potash Enclave via the Mescalero Plains area east of the Pecos Valley and Nash Draw. It rejoins the main tour route at mi 165.5 at the northwest edge of the Laguna Grande de la Sal (Salt Lake) basin. Highlights include overviews of the Gnome and WIPP project areas and a transect across the playa-lake plain near the southern end of Nash Draw. The road log includes a brief discussion of the late Cenozoic geomorphic evolution of the southern Mescalero Plain, a mini- paper overview of late-stage Permian history and two minipapers on WIPP project monitoring by the New Mexico Environmental Department and Environmental Evaluation Group. Environmental concerns related to the 1961 Gnome underground nuclear detonation and modern (1992) earthquake activity are also briefly discussed. This log supplements the field trip guidebook to the northern Delaware Basin-WIPP site area prepared for the 1990 Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America (Powers et al., 1990; Powers and Martin, 1990).

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Hawley, John W.; Love, David W., 1993, Supplemental road log 1: From Pierce Canyon (First day Stop 6) to New Mexico Highway 31/128 junction north of Salt Lake, via Mescalero Plain, Los Medanos (WIPP) and Nash Draw, in: Carlsbad Region, New Mexico and West Texas, Love, David W.; Hawley, John W.; Kues, Barry S.; Adams, Jim W.; Austin, George S.; Barker, James M., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 44th Field Conference, pp. 87-97.

[see guidebook]