Pennsylvanian fusulinids from the Fra Cristobal Range, Sierra County, New Mexico
— George J. Verville, George A. Sanderson, and Mary E. Madsen


Abundant fusulinid faunas occur throughout most of the Pennsylvanian rocks exposed in the Fra Cristobal Range. The important fusulinid genera represented are Fusulinella, Fusulina (Beedeina of some authors), Wedekindellina, Eowaeringella, Triticites, and Dunbarinella. These fusulinids range from late Atokan to late Virgilian in age. The stratigraphic succession of the species present is shown and their local and regional biostratigraphic significance is discussed.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Verville, George J.; Sanderson, George A.; Madsen, Mary E., 1986, Pennsylvanian fusulinids from the Fra Cristobal Range, Sierra County, New Mexico, in: Truth or Consequences region, Clemons, R. E.; King, W. E.; Mack, G. H., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 37th Field Conference, pp. 215-223.

[see guidebook]