Geohydrology of the Roy-Solano area, Harding County, New Mexico
— Frederick D. Trauger and Churan, Kenneth, R.


The well-field for the Village of Roy taps the Ogallala Formation, a relatively thin aquifer having a minimum extent of about 6.7 mi2 . In a year of normal precipitation, the aquifer receives annual recharge of about 160 acre-ft or two to two and one-half times the amount withdrawn by the village based on production for the years 1984 and 1985. All wells in the Roy well-field tap the same aquifer; thus, pumping any one well affects water levels in all the wells. The well-field is capable of supplying water to the village at the present rate of pumpage with no danger of serious depletion under conditions of normal to slightly sub-normal annual precipitation.

Annual withdrawals from the well-field could be increased by as much as 25% over the next 40 years without detrimental lowering of the pumping levels. The well-field can sustain appreciably higher rates of withdrawal for periods of four to six months with consequent additional lowering of the water levels by only a few tenths of a ft. The transmissivity of the Ogallala Formation in the Roy well-field is about 15,000 gpd/ft. The storage coefficient is about 0.03. Water from the Ogallala and Romeroville-Mesa Rica formations is a bicarbonate water ranging from hard to very hard and is generally satisfactory for human and livestock use.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Trauger, Frederick D.; Churan, Kenneth, R., 1987, Geohydrology of the Roy-Solano area, Harding County, New Mexico, in: Northeastern New Mexico, Lucas, S. G.; Hunt, A. P., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 38th Field Conference, pp. 295-315.

[see guidebook]