Group photo of attendees of the 2017 FFC, Ouray, CO

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Attendees of the New Mexico Geological Society 2017 Fall Field Conference, Perimeter Trail, Ouray, Colorado

Image taken: 09/28/2017
by: Mark Betts
© 2017

Used with permission

Longitude: -107.671449
Latitude: 38.022772
  (WGS 84 or NAD 83)

About this image

Some of you may be wondering: "What is this Fall Field Conference? " and "What and who is the New Mexico Geological Society?"

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so let me attempt a partial answer. These are the attendees of the New Mexico Geological Society 2017 Fall Field Conference gathered on Precambrian outcrops along the Perimeter Trail that encircles Ouray, Colorado.

This years Fall Field Conference topic was: The Geology of the Ouray-Silverton Area. Each year the Fall Field Conference is held in a different part of New Mexico (and sometimes nearby states such as this year) and examines the local geology of the surrounding area.

Every full participant receives a bonus: a great guidebook that includes a road log with very good descriptions of the geology that the hikes and drives pass by. These descriptions are more detailed at the stops that we take to discuss the geological feature highlighted at the stop.

The guide books also contain papers that are submitted that are relevant to the geology of the area.

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Along the Perimeter Trail that encircles Ouray, Colorado.

Image posted: 02-12-2021