New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
Macey Center, Socorro, NM
April 25, 2025


Every spring, the Society holds a meeting in Socorro to allow presentation of geoscience research, principally from New Mexico and adjacent areas (including Mexico). The meeting features a variety of technical sessions that span the breadth of topics of the geosciences including geology, hydrology, geophysics, paleontology, and mineral resources. This event is always well attended, and is a great way to meet other researchers and students working in New Mexico.

Student participation is highly encouraged as this meeting provides an excellent venue for student presentations. During the meeting, several Society scholarships are awarded to students from New Mexico.

Spring Meeting Announcement

(PDF version available)


San Ysidro anticline

Repeat photos from the Jemez Mountains in 1994, 2011, and 2021, illustrating ecological transformations in a former piñon-juniper woodland in response to warmer drought, insect outbreaks, and severe fire. Image from USGS.

Earth science and health -
    Rachel CoyteNew Mexico Tech - Earth and Environmental Sciences
    José CerratoUniversity of New Mexico Civil Engineering

  • Keynote session: This session explores the connections between the earth sciences and human health. Contributions are invited that highlight how factors like air and water quality, resource availability, and natural disasters influence both current and projected health outcomes, disease patterns, healthcare systems, and overall well-being.
Water quality changes in New Mexico -
    Kim Beisner USGS
    Johanna BlakeUSGS

  • Human activities and changing climate can have effects on water quality. This session will focus on water quality investigations around New Mexico.
Wildfire and post-fire landscape processes -
    Jennifer LindlineNew Mexico Highlands University
    Dan CadolNew Mexico Tech - Earth and Environmental Sciences

  • Wildfire is a natural, recurrent process in New Mexico, but historic management practices and climate change have pushed the fire regime into uncharted territory. This session solicits contributions that investigate the geomorphic, hydrologic, ecologic, and social responses to and influences on wildfire.
Water Energy Nexus -
    Alex RinehartNew Mexico Tech - Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Water and energy are intertwined in New Mexico, whether considering produced water, protecting drinking water during CO2 storage, its use in geothermal energy, or the hydrologic impacts of wind- and solar-power manufacturing and deployment. This session solicits contributions for the full suite of energy and energy-related water research being performed in New Mexico.
Climate change and future natural resources -
    Fred Phillips New Mexico Tech - Earth and Environmental Sciences
    Siânin SpaurNew Mexico Bureau of Geology

  • Rapid changes in global temperature and atmospheric circulation under modern climate change present an unprecedented threat to the availability of vital natural resources such as water, soil, and vegetation communities. This session solicits contributions addressing current and projected changes in natural resources in New Mexico and assessments of their impacts on the state economy and environment.

Meeting Details:

Purpose: Presentation of geoscience research from New Mexico and adjacent areas.

When: April 25, 2025 (begins at 8:00 AM, see progam)

Where: Macey Center, Socorro, NM

Special Theme: "Earth Science, Environmental Change, And Health"

Program Chair: Bonnie Frey — 575-835-5160

General Chair: TBA

Registration Chair: Connie Apache — 575-835-5302

Lodging: see the Socorro Heritage and Visitors Center

Keynote Address:

Topic Pending


Call For Abstracts

Abstracts related to the special theme session (see above), or to the geology of New Mexico and adjacent areas, are invited for posters or oral presentations. Abstracts on non-regional topics of interest will also be considered. Abstracts should be submitted online or may be accepted in other formats in special cases (contact the Program Chair for details). Please view the help page for formatting guidelines.

Abstracts must be submitted by Saturday, April 5, 2025.


Online pre-registraton will be available: Monday, March 10, 2025 at 8:00 AM.

Abstracts From Past Meetings:

Note: All individual abstracts from 1983 onward are available from the Spring Meeting Abstracts page.