New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
Abstract Submission Help & Formatting Guidelines
Format the Informative Title of Your Abstract in Title Case
Author Names:
First, Middle, Last, Affiliation, complete mailing address, email address, etc.
(An email address is required for the submitting author.)
If multiple authors have the same affiliation, use the 'Copy' button to save time and reduce clutter on the abstract. You can also click the arrows before each author's name to reorder the author listing as appropriate. If you include email addresses for your co-authors, they will each receive a confirmation of abstact submittal and a link to preview the abstract. Author names, affiliations, and contact information do not contribute to the word-count (see below).
Body Text:
Please follow this format for your abstract to assure a neat, consistently organized abstract volume that is easy to use. There is a maximum of 1000 words for abstracts to help limit the cost of the printed proceedings volume. Our intention is that each abstract in the proceedings volume will fit on one 8.5 x 11" page.
Paragraphs are separated with blank lines with no indents. You may include links to other web resources in the body of your abstract if appropriate. Use the default font and font size for the body of your abstract. You can add italics, superscripts, subscripts, etc. as appropriate.
If you paste text in from MS Word, use the 'Paste from Word' tool on the toolbar to ensure consistent formatting. If you know HTML, you can use the 'Source' button to modify the formatting by changing the source code of your abstract. If you are over the word limit, you might reduce the word-count significantly by pasting your text as plain text and using the included formatting tools. MS Word often includes unnecessary hidden formatting codes that will count as words.
Tables can be included in your abstract by either clicking the 'Table' button and entering table data manually or by pasting a table from another application. The first method will likely result in a lower word-count because of the inclusion formatting codes. Regardless, tables shouldn't be too large because they can rapidly affect the word-count.
One figure can be included in your abstract by uploading a photograph or other image. A number of image formats are acceptable including JPG, GIF, TIFF, or PNG. You can also add caption text and can select where the figure will appear on the abstract.
References can be included with your abstract, but they will contribute to the word-count. Enter them one at a time; they will be sorted alphabetically automatically.
Please choose your preferred presentation format, oral presentation or poster. See our Presentation Guidelines for details about each presentation format.
Accepted abstracts will be reproduced and compiled for distribution both online and at the workshop. The abstracts may be reformatted for uniform presentation.
Abstracts may be withdrawn if necessary, and will be removed from the program if it hasn't been completed yet. However, if the program has already been completed, the abstract will remain but will be labeled as withdrawn online.
If you have questions about abstracts or presentations, please contact the Program Chair:
Bonnie Frey, at 575-835-5160 or