New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Tertiary north-south stretching in the Little Hatchet Mountains, southwestern New Mexico

Michael S. Cleary1, Jeffrey M. Amato1 and Timothy F. Lawton1

1Dept. Geological Sciences, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM,

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The Little Hatchet Mountains of southwestern New Mexico expose rocks of Paleozoic to Tertiary overlying Precambrian basement. This area has been affected by at least two deformational events, Late Cretaceous-Paleogene age Laramide contraction and middle Tertiary extension. The range is cut by an east-west striking high-angle strike slip fault known as the Copper Dick fault. South of the Copper Dick fault, a continuous section of Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks is exposed. The Jurassic Broken Jug Formation section contains beds of limestone and chert clast conglomerate with a calcite matrix. Clasts within these beds are stretched and have long axis to short axis ratios ranging from 1.5-7. Clasts generally have shallow plunges and trend within 20° of north-south. The chert clasts have been pulled apart in the same direction as the limestone clasts and have a top-to-the-north shear sense. The style of deformation of these units and metamorphic white-mica growth within adjacent units suggests that deformation took place at < ~300°C.

Strain patterns in the range suggest that the conglomerate deformation is not related to Laramide folding. Numerous large-and small-scale Laramide folds in the area have axes that trend east-northeast. The consistent orientation of the elongate limestone clasts suggests that north-south stretching occurred after the folding event. Syntectonic growth strata of the Ringbone and Hidalgo formations indicate the folding event taking place at least as recently as 70 Ma. North-south stretching in the Little Hatchet Mountains is also recorded by numerous east-west striking mafic and rhyolitic dikes that cut Jurassic beds in the range. In addition, Karlstrom et al. (1994) noted calcite veins that may record north-south extension from about 45 to 30 Ma, though the timing of vein formation is not well-constrained.


deformation, Laramide, compression, extension, faults, strike-slip, Copper Dick fault, stretching, structural geology

pp. 47

2001 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
March 23, 2001, Macey Center
Online ISSN: 2834-5800