New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

The application of jarosite geochronology and stable isotope geochemistry to ore deposit genesis and weathering--Some examples from the Rio Grande rift

Virgil W. Lueth1, Robert O. Rye2 and Lisa Peters1

1New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, Socorro, NM, 87801
2United States Geological Survey, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO, 80225

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Jarosite, KFe3(SO4)2(OH)6, and other K-bearing minerals in the alunite group, can be dated by K/Ar and 40Ar/39Ar techniques and contain OH and SO4 groups that can provide four stable isotope analyses: δD, δ18OOH, δ18OOH, and δ34S. Age dating and analysis of these isotopic parameters can provide information on the genesis and natural destruction of the deposits by weathering, This information in turn can provide insight into the climatic, geomorphic, and tectonic evolution of an area, as well as the hydrologic controls on present day water quality. A number ofjarosite occurrences in the Rio Grande Rift have been studied and preliminary results are reported here.

Geochronologic and stable isotope studies of supergene jarosite are underway at the copper porphyry deposits in the Organ and Jarilla Mountains on the southeast margin of the rift. These studies are patterned after the work at Creede, Colorado, by Rye et al. (1993). Jarosite and alunite can be used to define the hydrogeochemical environment of supergene jarosite and alunite mineralization, record the age of paleowater tables, reconstruct climate, geomorphic, and tectonic history of the area. Sulfur isotopes trace sulfur to precursor sulfide sources, Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes can be used to infer climate changes during the course ofsupergene oxidation. The ages and distribution of jarosite and alunite in time and space define periods of uplift related to tectonic events.

An extensive geochronological and stable isotope study ofjarosite at the Copiapo Mine, Dona Ana County, New Mexico has defined a new mode of occurrence -hydrothermal jarosite related to sour gas from sedimentary basins. Mineralization is hosted by a fault cutting Pennsylvanian-age limestone and consists of a replacement body with sequential deposition of halloysite, fluorite, prosopite, gypsum, hematite, jarosite and natrojarosite. 40Ar/39Ar age dates on hydrothermal jarosite and natrojarosite display a narrow range of apparent ages from 5.0 ± 0,12 to 4.5 ± 0.16 Ma with the natrojarosite consistently younger. Low sulfur isotope values for the jarosites (δ34S = -16 to -24) indicate a basin-derived source of H2S with subsequent oxidation during mineralization. Hydrogen (δDsmow = -64 to -96) and oxygen isotope (δ18O = -4 to -10) values of parent waters indicate an exchanged meteoric water origin typical of basin derived brines similar to the deep saline ground waters found in the basins today. Calculated temperature of formation, from the fractionation of 18O between the SO4 and OH sites in many of the jarosites, is approximately 130° C.

Analysis of jarosite from the Hansonburg deposits, Socorro County, New Mexico, reveals a range of apparent ages from 7.9 ± 0.85 Ma to 1.63 ± 0.06 Ma. Each specific age of jarosite mineralization contains a unique mineral paragenesis and distinct stable isotope signatures. Both hydrothermal and supergene jarosites are present. Hansonburg, Copiapo and many other jarosite-bearing deposits along the rift contain abundant hydrothermal fluorite suggesting that they have fundamentally similar origins controlled by tectonic events, climate and the evolution of brines and sour gas in sedimentary basins.


Ar-Ar geochronology, argon geochronology, jarosite, mineralization, natrojarosite, Rio Grande rift, stable isotopes

pp. 12

1999 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 9, 1999, Macey Center
Online ISSN: 2834-5800