New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Past, present, and future of engineering geology

William C. Haneberg

New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources, 2808 Central Avenue SE, Albuquerque, NM, New Mexico, 87801,

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Engineering geology has been defined as the application of geologic principles and techniques to the solution of civil engineering problems, as well as a distinct branch of geology with its own vocabulary, professional standards, and educational requirements. Engineering geologists commonly conduct site assessments and construct geologic maps during their investigations of slope instability, coastal processes, seismic hazards, surface and subsurface water flow and contamination, waste management issues, and foundation problems. Over the years, the standard training has evolved from a bachelor's degree and apprenticeship with a consulting frrm or government agency to the master's degree, although experience remains a critical component of professional practice. It is not unusual to find doctoral level researchers and practitioners. Although prominent geologists were involved in many notable construction projects during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, including the infamous St. Francis Dam that is commonly cited as a work constructed without regard to geologic setting, it has been since the Second World War that engineering geology has seen most of its growth. Like the NMGS, the Engineering Geology Division of the Geological Society of America marks its 50th anniversary this year. Post-war activities were driven by unprecedented construction of large dams, underground facilities, nuclear reactors, and, in the United States, the economic growth of hazard-prone California. And, over the years, the focus of engineering geology has expanded from construction site investigations to encompass much of what is today known as environmental geology. One impediment to the growth of engineering geology as a profession and field of academic study the opinion, held largely by that geologists must be subordinate to licensed professional engineers if they are working on civil projects. This has been a driving force behind laws regulating the practice of geology in 23 states. As this abstract is being written, NM House Bill 474 proposes by default to define the practice of engineering geology, hydrogeology, and environmental geology in New Mexico and outlines penalties for those who violate the law. As engineering geology moves into the future, I believe that it will continue to emphasize traditional construction related work as well as environmental site investigation and remediation. The next generation of engineering geologists must be well versed in the quantitative skills used by engineers in order to insure a smooth flow of vital information, in addition to making uniquely geologic contributions such as the· quantitative assessment of geologic hazards and mathematical simulation of geologic processes. We must develop the ability to advertise and sell our products (such as geologic maps) and expertise to other professionals, and not expect them to come to us. Particularly important areas of evolution will be in probabilistic hazard assessment, especially in the characterization of spatial and temporal variability, and the incorporation of subjective geologic information into predictive process oriented mathematical models. Both descriptive and interpretive geologic field skills will remain as important as ever because they form the critical bridge between simplified engineering idealizations and reality.


engineering geology

pp. 8

1997 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 18, 1997, Macey Center
Online ISSN: 2834-5800