New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Geochemical and Physical Aspects of Diamonds from the Akwatia and Tarkwa Diamondfields in Southern Ghana, West Africa.

Jane R. Ward

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM

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Ghana has been a major world producer of diamonds for several decades. With the recent discovery of a highly altered kimberlite in the Akwatia diamondfield, more attention is being given to the economic potential of Ghanaian deposits. Physical and geochemical examination of the diamonds and the diamond inclusions, has yielded information about the diamond and kimberlite forming events. This information will further define the diamond potential in Ghana.

Ghana has two major diamond producing areas: Akwatia and Tarkwa (southeastern and southwestern Ghana, respectively). The physical attributes of the diamonds notably different from the Akwatia to the T arkwa diamondfield include, weight, color, secondary morphology and fluorescence. These differences are substantial enough to indicate at least two separate diamondiferous kimberlite events. In addition, crystalline inclusions, such as garnet, pyroxene and olivine, are much more rare in Tarkwa diamonds than in the Akwatia diamonds. Geochemical analysis of inclusions from both areas is currently in progress. The results of this study will show if the diamonds from these two areas share the same origin, and possibly where further exploration should take place.

pp. 23

1997 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 18, 1997, Macey Center
Online ISSN: 2834-5800