New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Mineralogy, Geochemistry, and Chronology of the Caballo and Burro Mountains REE-Bearing Episyenites

Annelise M. Riggins1, Nelia Dunbar2, Virginia McLemore2, Matthew Heizler2, William McIntosh2 and Kwame Frempong3

1NMT, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM, 87801,
2NMT EES & NMBGMR, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM, 87801
3NMT, Department of Mineral Engineering, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM, 87801

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Extraordinarily potassium feldspar-rich, brick-red rocks, termed “episyenites”, in the Caballo and Burro Mountains, New Mexico, have anomalously high concentrations of U, Th and REE. Field and electron microprobe investigations of outcrop distribution and mineralogical textures suggest episyenites formed by interaction of K-rich metasomatic fluids with Precambrian granitic host rocks, resulting in K-feldspar-rich rocks with bulk compositions of up to 16 wt.% K2O. The secondary feldspars are significantly less fractured than primary igneous feldspar, display no perthititic textures, and contain micron size hematite inclusions. The most reddened episyenites are composed largely of interlocked K-feldspar crystals which display no igneous texture. Investigation of rocks with the highest concentrations of U, Th, and REE indicate complex mineralogy associated with fluid alteration, particularly of primary magmatic mafic silicates, now replaced by a combination of secondary chlorite, hematite, carbonate, apatite, rutile, synchysite, aeschynite, thorite, uranophane and xenotime. In the Caballo Mountains, timing of metasomatism is constrained to be older than late Cambrian as episyenite clasts occur in the C-O Bliss Sandstone that unconformably overlies metasomatised basement. Direct dating of the metasomatism using the 40Ar/39Ar method on sub-milligram fragments of metasomatic K-feldspar yield complex and intriguing age results. In the Caballo Mts. age spectra range from nearly flat to highly disturbed with total gas ages (TGA) between approx.40 and 460 Ma. Individual fragments with flat spectra from single samples vary in TGA by approx.140 Ma (approx. 320 to 460 Ma). The overall youthfulness of the results is not compatible with the hypothesis that a single metasomatic event related to regional C-O alkaline magmatism was responsible for all metasomatism. However, one sample from the Burro Mts. yields a plateau age at approx. 540 Ma that may record late Cambrian metasomatism caused by an alkaline or carbonatitic intrusion in the subsurface.

pp. 54

2014 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 11, 2014, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech campus, Socorro, NM
Online ISSN: 2834-5800