New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Evaluating Quaternary Travertine Deposits of the Rio Grande Rift and Colorado Plateau: Geochemical Signatures of Travertine Facies And Quantification of Long-Term CO2 Leakage Along Faults, with Implications for CO2 Sequestration

Alexandra Priewisch1, Laura J. Crossey1, Karl E. Karlstrom1 and Peter S. Mozley2

1University of New Mexico, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, MSCO3-2040, 1 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, 87131-0001,
2New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM, 87801

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Large-volume Quaternary travertine deposits in New Mexico and Arizona occur along the Rio Grande rift and on the southwestern Colorado Plateau. The travertines formed due to the degassing of CO2 from carbonic groundwater supersaturated in calcium carbonate that migrated up fault systems towards the surface. U-series dating shows that large volumes (2.5 km3) of travertine accumulated episodically at times of both increased magmatic activity (high CO2 flux) and recharge (high hydraulic head) in confined aquifer systems. Depositional environments of travertine, e.g. spring mound and marsh, produce distinctive travertine facies such as step-pool, paludal (marsh), and vein facies. Stable oxygen and carbon isotope values of the different travertine deposits overlap substantially, with δ18O and δ13C ranging from -14‰ to -3.8‰ and  -4.9‰ to 9.8‰, respectively. The range in oxygen isotopes represents mixing of different types of groundwater and varying water temperature, whereas carbon isotopes are mainly influenced by the degassing of CO2.  Preliminary results of trace element analyses show similar trends throughout the region, with high (> 1000 mg/kg) concentrations of Fe, Mg, Mn, Na, and Sr. Different travertine facies have different stable isotopic and geochemical compositions. For example, most of the δ13C values of the paludal facies vary between -1‰ and -5‰ as opposed to the step-pool facies where most δ13C values range from 2‰ to 7‰, and the vein facies shows higher concentrations of certain trace elements (e.g., Fe, Ni, and Sr).Travertines are natural analogues for CO2 leakage along fault systems that bypassed regional cap rocks, such as shales of the Triassic Chinle Formation. The volume of the travertine can be used to infer the integrated CO2 leakage along a fault system over geologic time. This leakage is estimated (as a minimum) as: (1) CO2 that becomes fixed in CaCO3/travertine (tons of carbon converted into tons of carbonate), (2) the amount of CO2 that degassed into the atmosphere (twice the amount of (1), based on reaction stoichiometry), (3) dissolved CO2 that is carried away with the water discharging from a spring (based on modern spring discharge and dissolved carbon content), and (4) CO2 that escapes through the soil (based on modern soil flux measurements). The total CO2 leakage (1and 2) calculated for the study areas in New Mexico and Arizona is estimated as ~6 Gt (gigatons), whereas the integrated CO2 leakage (1-4) is estimated as ~128 Gt. Better understanding of integrated CO2 leakage and fault-related seal bypass is needed to design CO2 sequestration sites to effectively store anthropogenic CO2 in the subsurface.

pp. 51

2014 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 11, 2014, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech campus, Socorro, NM
Online ISSN: 2834-5800