New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

A High-Precision 40Ar/39Ar Chronology of Late-Quaternary Volcanism in the Raton-Clayton Volcanic Field

Matthew J. Zimmerer1, William C. McIntosh1, Matthew T. Heizler1, Nelia W. Dunbar1 and John Lafferty2

1New Mexico Bureau of Geology & Mineral Resources, Socorro, NM, 87801,
2New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM, 87801

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High-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages of late-Quaternary monogenetic basaltic volcanoes in the Raton-Clayton volcanic field, northeastern New Mexico characterize time-space patterns of eruptions and allow assessment of volcanic hazards. Determining eruption periodicity and durations of eruptive cycles are fundamental for volcanic hazard assessment. A previous 40Ar/39Ar study concluded that volcanism in the field began at ~9 Ma and ended at ~56 ka with the eruption of the well-known Capulin volcano. However, this chronology is not sufficiently precise or complete for a comprehensive volcanic hazard assessment. High-precision ages for this study were determined using a low-volume, high-sensitivity, multi-collector ARGUS VI mass spectrometer, which yields about an order of magnitude more precise isotopic measurements compared to older generation, single-detector mass spectrometers. New 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate 1) sparse volcanic activity between 200 and 500 ka, 2) eruptions from two centers at ~100 ka, and 3) a significant pulse of volcanism between ~32 and 55 ka including as many as three eruptions that are younger than Capulin volcano. Eruptions prior to 200 ka include the 426 ± 8 ka Las Maetas South center and 240 ± 7 ka Horseshoe Crater, which are both located to the south of Capulin volcano. The Trinchera Pass volcano, located near the New Mexico-Colorado border, erupted at 113 ± 7 ka. Volcanism shifted back to the southern part of the field where numerous lava flows erupted from The Crater cinder cone. A stratigraphically low lava flow at The Crater yielded an age of 97 ± 3 ka, whereas a lava flow on the flanks of The Crater yielded an indistinguishable age of 103 ± 5 ka indicating the volcano is monogenetic. Finally, volcanic activity migrated to the vicinity of Capulin volcano. Our new age for Capulin volcano is 55 ± 2 ka. This new age is indistinguishable from, but more precise than the previously determined age of 56 ± 8 ka. Baby Capulin is located ~4 km north of Capulin volcano. Multiple analyses of lavas from this center yielded an age of 46 ± 4 ka. East of Baby Capulin is Twin Mountain volcano, which yielded an age of 40 ± 4 ka. The youngest dated center in the field is Purvine Hills, three east-west aligned vents likely representing a fissure eruption. The 40Ar/39Ar age of Purvine Hills is 32 ± 5 ka. Electron microprobe analyses of spinel inclusions in olivine were conducted to assess the source of the 46 ± 15 ka Folsom Falls lava flow. Subtle variation in Cr2O3 and MgO/FeO ratios suggest that the Folsom Falls lava is the distal flow of the Baby Capulin lava flow. Ages and associated uncertainties indicate recurrence rates of 0 ka to as much as 17 ka for this youngest phase of volcanism in the Raton-Clayton field. New 40Ar/39Ar ages demonstrate the unprecedented capabilities of the ARGUS VI mass spectrometer, which is currently being used to assess temporal-spatial patterns at all late Quaternary volcanic centers in the Rio Grande rift and along the Jemez lineament.


volcanology, geochronology, Quaternary

pp. 69

2014 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 11, 2014, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech campus, Socorro, NM
Online ISSN: 2834-5800