New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Neogene and ongoing dynamic uplift of the Rocky Mountains due to mantle convection, and its surface manifestations

K. E. Karlstrom, A. Darling, L. J. Crossey, R. Crow, D. Coblentz, W. Oiumet, E. Kirby, J. Van Wikk, B. Schmandt, S. A. Kelley, M. T. Heizler, R. Aster, J. MacCarthy, G. Lazear, A. Aslam, K. Dueker, J. Hansen and J. Stachnik

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Evidence from the Colorado and Green River systems of the Colorado Plateau suggests that neotectonic mantle flow has driven 500-1000 m of epeirogenic surface uplift and long wavelength surface deformation (tilting and warping) over the last 10 Ma. This amounts to 25-50% of the current elevation of the region. Evidence includes: 1) the correspondence of low seismic velocity mantle with: atypically high (and rough) topography, steep normalized river segments, and areas of greatest river incision in the Grand Canyon and Colorado Rocky Mountains; 2) higher incision rates and magnitudes in in the upper Colorado River system relative to the Green River, 3) thermochronologic and geologic data showing a significant increase in regional exhumation rate starting 6- 10 Ma; 4) basalt Nd compositions in the western Colorado Plateau that change from lithospheric to asthenospheric during the last 10 Ma; and 5) mantle 3He degassing concentrated in CO2-rich springs overlying low velocity domains. These lines of evidence support convective flow in the last 10 Ma at both whole- and upper-mantle scales, and at >1000 km from the plate margin. The provocative correspondence between mantle anomalies and differential incision of continental-scale rivers offers a promising method for interpreting mantle-to-surface interactions in orogenic plateaus within continental interiors.


uplift, structural geology, tectonics, Colorado Plateau, mantle flow, neodymium isotopes, basalts, degassing, helium,

pp. 35

2011 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 15, 2011, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech campus, Socorro, NM
Online ISSN: 2834-5800