New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Revised Pennyslvanina lithostratigrpahy in the Manzano Mountains, New Mexico (abs.)

S. G. Lucas1 and K. Krainer2

1NM Museum of Natural History, 1801 Mountain Road NW, Albuquerque, NM, New Mexico, 87104
2Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Innsbruck University, Inrain 52, Insbruck, Austria, A-6020

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The Pennsylvanian section at Priest Canyon (sec.7, T3N, R5E, Valencia County) includes the type sections of units named by Myers (USGS Bulletin 1372-F) and long applied to Pennsylvanian strata throughout the Manzano and Manzanita Mountains. Detailed restudy indicates it is very similar to the Pennsylvanian section in the Cerros de Amado, ~60 km to the SW, so, stratigraphic nomenclature introduced by Thompson in 1942 can be applied at Priest Canyon. The base of this section is the ~ 70 m thick Sandia Fm, mostly covered slopes and beds of sandstone, limestone and conglomerate that rest on Proterozoic basement. The overlying Gray Mesa Fm (= Los Moyos Limestone) is ~190 m thick and mostly cherty limestone, divided into three members (ascending): (1) Elephant Butte Mb, ~ 24 m of limestone and shale; (2) Whiskey Canyon Mb, ~86 m of cherty limestone; and (3) Garcia Mb, ~83 m of non-cherty limestone and shale with lesser amounts of cherty limestone, sandstone and conglomerate. The overlying Atrasado Fm (= Wild Cow Fm) is ~ 272 m thick and divided into eight members (ascending): (1) Bartolo Mb, ~ 66 m of slope-forming shale with thin beds of sandstone, limestone and conglomerate; (2) Amado Mb, ~ 8 m of bedded, cherty, brachiopod-rich limestone; (3) Tinajas Mb, ~125 m of shale with interbedded limestone and sandstone; 4) Council Springs Mb, ~ 22 m of mostly algal limestone without chert; (5) Burrego Mb, ~18 m of arkosic red beds and limestone; (6) Story Mb, ~ 7 m of limestone; (7) Del Cuerto Mb, ~ 15 m of arkosic red beds and limestone; and (8) Moya Mb, ~ 11 m of bedded limestone and shale. At the top of the Pennsylvanian section, the Bursum Formation is at least 30 m of interbedded red-bed mudstone, sandstone, conglomerate and limestone. At their type sections, Myers members of the “Wild Cow Fm” clearly are fusulinid-based, biostratigraphic units, not lithostratigraphic units, as their contacts are not drawn at laterally traceable lithologic changes. Thus, Sol se Mete Mb = Missourian fusulinids (= Bartolo-lower Tinajas), Pine Shadow Mb = early Virgilian fusulinids (=upper Tinajas-lower Burrego) and La Casa = middle-late Virgilian fusulinids (=upper BurregoMoya). We thus recommend abandonment of all Myers Pennsylvanian lithostratigraphic terms because they are either synonyms of earlier named units or do not identify useful lithostratigraphic units.


lithostratigraphy, stratigraphy, sedimentation

pp. 29

2010 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 16, 2010, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech campus, Socorro, NM
Online ISSN: 2834-5800