New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Color aerial-photographic section of a lava delta, Carrizozo lava flow, New Mexico

Robert G. Myers

U.S. Army, IMSW-WSM-PW-E-ES, White Sands Missile Range, NM, 88002,

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Color aerial photographs were obtained by White Sands Missile Range of the San Andres National Wildlife Refuge, White Sands National Monument, the northwestern section of the Jornada del Muerto, and White Sands Missile Range in 2003. The aerial photographs were compiled as a digital, orthophotographic map of the area. The map includes aerial photography of the textural features of distal portion and lower, middle portion of the Carrizozo lava flow on White Sands Missile. The aerial photography can be viewed at any user-defined scale from a maximum scale of 1:908.5. The topography and flow features of the Carrizozo lava flow have been the focus of studies by J.R. Zimbelman and A.K. Johnston from the Center of Earth and Planetary Studies, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution funded by the Planetary Geology and Geophysics program of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

This poster compares the previously available aerial-photographic coverage at a scale of 1:24000 of a photographic section of a lava delta in the distal portion of the Carrizozo lava flow to 2003 aerial-photographic sections at scales of 1:12000, 1:6000, and 1:908.5.

This poster has been approved for public release by White Sands Missile Range for unlimited distribution. The White Sands Missile Range Operational Security review was completed on 31 January 2006.


lava flow, aerial photography, basalt

pp. 40

2007 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 21, 2006, Macy Center, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM
Online ISSN: 2834-5800