New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 14
Socorro Region


Frederick J. Kuellmer, ed., 1963, 204 pages, (reprinted 1996).

Welcome to Socorro County! This year we are trying out a new recipe for the field conference. Those of us who agree with Professor H. H. Read that "The best geologist is he who has seen the most rocks" have long wondered whether past field conferences were in fact showing us the rocks we came to see. Was too much time being spent in a speeding car? Were the logistics of maintaining more than 200 people hundreds of miles from home becoming too complicated? This year the emphasis is on small groups, short drives, and long stops at critical exposures. There are 10 field trips to choose from, covering the geology of the Western Bear Mountains, the Joyita Hills, the hydrology of the Socorro area, the Nogal Peak mining district, Socorro Peak and Socorro Mountains, Ojo de la Parida including the Yeso type locality, the Carthage area, Sais quarry and Monotosa thrust fault, New Mexico Insititute of Mining and Technology Seismograph Station, Socorro Mountain, and Water Canyon and South Baldy Peak, Magdalena Mountains. Accompanying these 10 field trips are additional roadlogs along the main highway routes for the above trips.

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Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

Download (594 KB PDF)

Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

Road log A, Socorro northward to Valencia County line via Interstate 25, U.S. 85, and U.S. 60
— Roy W. Foster and Philip Luce, pp. 6-12.
Road log B, Junction Interstate 25 to Torrance County line via U.S. 60
— Roy W. Foster and Philip Luce, pp. 13-19.
Road log C, Socorro westward to Catron County line, via U.S. 60
— Robret H. Weber and M. E. Willard, pp. 20-25.
Road Log D, Socorro to Sierra County lines, via U.S. 85
— Roy W. Foster and Philip Luce, pp. 26-30,.
Road log E, San Antonio, New Mexico (at junction U.S. 380 and U.S. 85) to Lincoln County line via U.S. 380
— Roy W. Foster and Philip Luce, pp. 31-37.
Field trip 1, Western Bear Mountains
— Robert H. Weber and M. E. Willard, pp. 38-41.
Field trip 2, Joyita Hills
— F. J. Kuellmer and F. E. Kottlowski, pp. 42-52.
Field trip 3, Hydrology of the Socorro area
— Hall, Francis, R., pp. 53-60.
Field trip 4, Nogal Peak mining district
— George B. Griswold, pp. 60-66.
Field trip 5, Socorro Peak and Socorro Mountains
— Clay T. Smith, pp. 66-68.
Field trip 6, Ojo de la Parida area, Yeso type locality
— Robert A. Bieberman, pp. 69-73.
Field trip 7, Carthage area
— Antonius J. Budding, pp. 74-77.
Field trip 8, Sais quartzite quarry, and Montosa thrust fault
— Antonius J. Budding, pp. 78.
Field trip 9, N.M.I.M.T. seismograph station, Socorro Mountain, Socorro County, New Mexico
— Allan R. Sanford, pp. 79.
Field Trip 10, Water Canyon and South Baldy Peak, Magdalena Mountains, Socorro County, New Mexico
— Antonius J. Budding, pp. 80-85.
Supplementary road log, Cerros de Amado red bed copper deposits
— Frank E. Kottlowski, pp. 86-87.
Supplementary road log, Southern Ladron Mountains
— G. C. Evans and Philip Luce, pp. 88-95.


Index map of the principal mining districts of Socorro County
— George B. Griswold, pp. 97.
Cenozoic sedimentary rocks in Socorro valley, New Mexico (1.07 MB PDF)
— Bruce DeBrine, Z. Spiegel, and D. Williams, pp. 123-131.
Seismic activity near Socorro (614 KB PDF)
— Allan R. Sanford, pp. 146-151.
Tritium studies, Socorro Spring (347 KB PDF)
— Charles R Holmes, pp. 152-154.
Ground water in the Socorro valley (680 KB PDF)
— Francis X. Bushman, pp. 155-159.
Precambrian rocks of La Joyita Hills (549 KB PDF)
— Lawrence J. Herber, pp. 180-184.
Geology of Little San Pasqual Mountain (824 KB PDF)
— Richard W. Geddes, pp. 197-203.
Precambrian geology of the Sais quartzite quarry (565 KB PDF)
— Antonius J. Budding and Dan J. Hartman, pp. 204-208.
Potassium-argon dates, Socorro and Sierra counties, New Mexico (228 KB PDF)
— W. H. Burke, G. S. Kenny, J. B. Otto, and W. H. Burke, pp. 224.
A brief history of Socorro County (920 KB PDF)
— Paige W. Christiansen, pp. 234-239.

Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Kuellmer, F. J.; [ed.], 1963, Socorro Region, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 14th Annual Field Conference, 204 pp.