Second-day road log, from Washington Ranch to Rader debris flow, Orla Road Castil outcrop, State Line Castile gypsum roadcut, Chosa Draw evaporite karst features, and Parks Ranch Cave
— Lewis Land and David Love
The second day of the conference will focus on evaporite karst in the upper Permian (Ochoan/Lopingian) Castile Gypsum; and aspects of regional geology of the Delaware Basin along the southwestern margin of the Guadalupe Mountains. Our route will follow National Parks Highway southwest into Texas, running parallel to the Guadalupe Escarpment for several miles. As we proceed southwest, exposures of the Capitan Reef will become increasingly prominent, capped by layered strata of the backreef Yates and Tansill Formations. Stop 1 will visit the classic Rader submarine debris flow, consisting of large blocks of limestone that were eroded from the Capitan Reef escarpment, transported downslope, and are now imbedded in deep water sands of the basinal Bell Canyon Formation. After a brief stop for refreshments we will then proceed east on Orla Road to Stop 2 and examine one of the many castiles that punctuate the gypsum plain. Castiles are residual knolls of biogenic limestone imbedded in Castile gypsum, and provide important information regarding the role of H2S in speleogenesis in the Guadalupe Mountains. The trip will then return to National Parks Highway and New Mexico, and at stop 3 will examine the famous State Line roadcut exposing varved and microfolded Castile gypsum. Our final stop will be in Chosa Draw, an area that provides impressive exposures of gypsum karst features such as sinkholes, skylights, resurgent springs, and caves, including Parks Ranch Cave, the second longest gypsum cave in the United States.
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Recommended Citation:
- Land, Lewis; Love, David, 2006, Second-day road log, from Washington Ranch to Rader debris flow, Orla Road Castil outcrop, State Line Castile gypsum roadcut, Chosa Draw evaporite karst features, and Parks Ranch Cave, in: Caves and karst of southeastern New Mexico, Land, Lewis; Lueth, Virgil W.; Raatz, William; Boston, Penny; Love, David L., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 57th Field Conference, pp. 49-84.