Mineral resources of the Rosedale mining district, Socorro County, New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore


The Rosedale mining district, discovered about 1882, is a small mining district in the eastern foothills of the northern San Ma-teo Mountains in southwestern Socorro County and is estimated to have yielded 28,000 oz Au and 10,000 oz Ag from volcanic-epithermal vein deposits. Exploration for potential gold and silver is underway at the Rosedale Mine. The veins and associated alteration in the district formed after eruption and deposition of the 27.7 Ma South Canyon Tuff. The predominant alteration is argillic, which is characterized by clays, silica, and local K-feldspar. Structurally controlled, volcanic-epithermal veins are found along faults in volcanic breccias, rhyolite lavas, and South Canyon Tuff. The veins carry free-milling gold and are usually associated with hematite and manganese oxides that occur as replacements of pyrite grains and stringers, and as coatings on fracture surfaces. The district has a high mineral-resource potential for volcanic-epithermal, low-sulfidation, quartz-dominant, low-base metal, gold-silver vein deposits along the Rosedale and Bell faults. There is an unknown mineral-resource potential for volcanic-epithermal base metal vein deposits at depth below the present precious-metal work-ings. The potential for critical minerals is low, except for zinc, which could occur at depth with base metals. Deep drilling would be required to determine if there are any base metals at depth.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. McLemore, Virginia T., 2022, Mineral resources of the Rosedale mining district, Socorro County, New Mexico, in: New Mexico Geological Society, 72nd Fall Field Conference, Sept. 2022, Socorro, New Mexico, Koning, Daniel J.; Hobbs, Kevin J.; Phillips, Fred M.; Nelson, W. John; Cather, Steven M.; Jakle, Anne C.; Van Der Werff, Brittney, New Mexico Geological Society, Field Conference, pp. 375-383. https://doi.org/10.56577/FFC-72.375

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