New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook – 72
Socorro Region III


Daniel J. Koning, Kevin M. Hobbs, Fred M. Phillips, W. John Nelson, Steven M. Cather, Anne C. Jakle, and Brittney Van Der Werff, [editors]
2022, 426 pages.

Beautifully exposed geologic features in the Socorro region exemplify important events in the geologic history of central New Mexico. The relative ease of access to these intriguing features from the town of Socorro justifies a third NMGS visit to this area. The 2022 Fall Field Conference will showcase new mapping, geochronology, and other geologic studies that have occurred in the Socorro region since the 1983 Fall Field Conference. The array of rocks seen here include Proterozoic crystalline rocks, a relatively complete Pennsylvanian-Permian section, Oligocene volcanic rocks, Santa Fe Group deposits from all phases of rifting, and a complete set of post-Santa Fe Group, Quaternary terraces. Fault-propagation and fault-bend folds associated with the Laramide orogeny, in addition to rift-related domino-block tilting and half-grabens, are also nicely exposed in the Socorro area. This volume includes detailed road logs of the Socorro area, including the Little San Pascual Mountains. Twenty-one peer-reviewed, technical papers and seven minipapers present recent research of this important region.

There are two versions of this guidebook available, the complete guidebook (426 pages), and a version with just the road logs that is spiral bound (146 pages).

ISBN: 1-58546-115-6
Softcover: $65.00 Buy Now

ISBN: 1-58546-116-4
Softcover: $19.95 Buy Now
Contains road logs and mini-papers only, spiral bound.


GPS waypoints for the stops described in the roadlogs are available for download:

Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

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Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

Pre-meeting Road Log: Little San Pascual Mountains
— Daniel J. Koning, W. John Nelson, and Scott Elrick, pp. 2-29. [SUMMARY]


History of San Antonio
— D.J. Koning, pp. 25-26.
Mineral resources in the Little San Pascual Mountains, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, Socorro County, New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 27-29.
First-day Road Log: Quebradas Region
— Daniel J. Koning, W. John Nelson, Richard Chamberlin, Spencer G. Lucas, Scott Elrick, and Laila Sturgis, pp. 30-63. [SUMMARY]


A new constraint on the onset of Cenozoic crustal extension in the central Rio Grande rift near Socorro, New Mexico
— R.M. Chamberlin, W.C. McIntosh, M.T. Heizler, and D.J. Koning, pp. 60-62.
Second-day Road Log: Chupadera Mountains
— Daniel J. Koning, Richard Chamberlin, and David W. Love, pp. 64-121. [SUMMARY]


Branch railroads in relation to the geology of Socorro County
— K.M. Hobbs, pp. 109-111.
Magnetic field intensity evidence for a buried basalt body in Socorro Canyon
— G.A. Spinelli, A. Clark, M. Clark, S. Edel, S. Farrar, J. Fastle, C. Greigo, K. Haar, S. Kupis, Y. Li, K. Malone, J. McComas, K. Murray, N. Phillips, M. Shaffer, W. Shaw, K. Smith, F. Stopa, N. Trujillo, A. Winton, and R. Xu, pp. 112-113.
Socorro’s 1964 UFO Incident
— W.J. Nelson and D.J. Koning, pp. 114-116.
Magdalena water-level variations and replacement supply well construction: the Trujillo replacement well, Village of Magdalena, Socorro County, New Mexico
— E. A. Melis, pp. 117-121.
Third-day Road Log: Lemitar Mountains and San Lorenzo Canyon
— Richard Chamberlin, Daniel J. Koning, and Andrew Jochems, pp. 122-142. [SUMMARY]


Pennsylvanian stratigraphy and biostratigraphy in the Cerros de Amado, Socorro County, New Mexico (9.82 MB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas, Karl Krainer, James E. Barrick, Bruce D. Allen, and W. John Nelson, pp. 147-164. [ABSTRACT]
Pennsylvanian stratigraphy in the Sierra Ladrones, Socorro County, New Mexico (7.36 MB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas, Karl Krainer, and Bruce D. Allen, pp. 171-185. [ABSTRACT]
Permian stratigraphy east of Socorro, central New Mexico (12.66 MB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas, Karl Krainer, and W. John Nelson, pp. 187-201. [ABSTRACT]
Early Pleistocene (late Blancan) vertebrates from Simon Canyon, Socorro County, central New Mexico. (7.10 MB PDF)
— Gary S. Morgan, Daniel J. Koning, M. Steven Shackley, David W. Love, Kevin M. Hobbs, and Andrew P. Jochems, pp. 265-279. [ABSTRACT]
Geology of the Cambrian Lemitar carbonatites, Socorro County, New Mexico: Revisited (5.01 MB PDF)
— Ethan B. Haft, Virginia T. McLemore, O. Tapani Ramo, and Jonas Kaare-Rasmussen, pp. 365-373. [ABSTRACT] Supplemental Data:

Back Matter: (usually includes a stratigraphic column and/or correlation chart)

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Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Koning, Daniel J.; Hobbs, Kevin J.; Phillips, Fred M.; Nelson, W. John; Cather, Steven M.; Jakle, Anne C.; Van Der Werff, Brittney, 2022, Socorro Region III, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 72nd Annual Field Conference, 426 pp. ISBN: 1-58546-115-6