Was the Lower Permian Abo formation, New Mexico, deposited by distributive fluvial systems?
— Spencer G. Lucas, John B. Rogers, and Karl Krainer, [eds.]
Abstract—The lower Permian strata of the Abo Formation consist of siliciclastic red beds found across much of New Mexico. Deposition of most of these red beds took place on an extensive alluvial plain across which paleoflow was southward to the shoreline of the Hueco seaway. The overall geometry of the Abo Formation deposits in parts of northern and southern New Mexico fits the distributive fluvial system (DFS) model, with coarse upland alluvial fan deposits giving way downgradient to much finer-grained strata, and with coarser-grained strata overlying finer-grained strata in the basin as a likely result of the DFS lengthening and prograding basinward.
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Recommended Citation:
- Lucas, Spencer G.; Rogers, John B.; Krainer, Karl, 2024, Was the Lower Permian Abo formation, New Mexico, deposited by distributive fluvial systems?, in: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 74th Field Conference, Karlstrom, Karl E.;Koning, Daniel J.;Lucas, Spencer G.;Iverson, Nels A.;Crumpler, Larry S.;Aubele, Jayne C.;Blake, Johanna M.;Goff, Fraser;Kelley, Shari A., New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 74th Field Conference, pp. 185-187. https://doi.org/10.56577/FFC-74.185