Industrial minerals and rocks in Santa Fe County, New Mexico
— James M. Barker, George S. Austin, Edward W. Smith, and David J. Sivils


Santa Fe County has a rich mining history with hundreds of mines and quarries that date from prehistoric time to the present. The 172 industrial mineral and rock sites listed herein are scattered throughout the county. They include significant production of sand and gravel; caliche and adobe; numerous varieties of stone; scoria, pumice and volcanic ash; and gypsum. The following were produced in smaller amounts: clay and shale, turquoise and other semiprecious materials, barite, iron oxide, mica, garnet, and silica sand.

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Recommended Citation:

  1. Barker, James M.; Austin, George S.; Smith, Edward W.; Sivils, David J., 1995, Industrial minerals and rocks in Santa Fe County, New Mexico, in: Geology of the Santa Fe Region, Bauer, Paul W.; Kues, Barry S.; Dunbar, Nelia W.; Karlstrom, K. E.; Harrison, Bruce, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 46th Field Conference, pp. 179-183.

[see guidebook]