New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 46
Geology of the Santa Fe Region


Paul W. Bauer, Barry S. Kues, Nelia W. Dunbar, Karl E. Karlstrom and Bruce Harrison, eds, 1995, 338 pages.

The geology and scenery of the Santa Fe area are as diverse and stimulating as anywhere in the state, and yet, in 45 years the New Mexico Geological Society has staged only a single field conference here, in 1979 (Guidebook 30). Rather than being a condemnation of Santa Fe, however, we view this instead as a testament to the great size and varied geology of New Mexico, as well as to the membership's willingness to explore all corners of the state. We also believe that it's time for a revisit, in part because of the spectacular scenery, but also because of the tremendous recent advances in understanding Earth processes and the history of north-central New Mexico. The most dramatic shift in earth science investigation since the 1979 trip has resulted from the need for more information concerning the impact of human activities on natural resources and the environment. This trend is reflected in our guidebook by the variety of contributions on hydrogeology, mine and mill remediation and reclamation, environmental geology, and engineering geology. In Santa Fe County, the availability, quantity, and quality of potable water is now a major focus of research and debate. In the Ortiz Mountains and along the upper Pecos River, at sites we will visit on this trip, major efforts are being directed towards evaluating the past and future environmental effects of mining. In many areas within the Rio Grande rift, human-induced ground subsidence results in severe economic impacts. The first day examines the stratigraphy and structure of the Espanola Basin and Abiquiu embayment parts of Rio Grande rift and border rocks of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and Colorado Plateau. The road log starts in Santa Fe and visits Nambe, Cundiyo, Espanola, Abiquiu and Ghost Ranch. The second day road log is from Santa Fe to Pecos, Rowe, Bernal, Romeroville, and Mineral Hill just outside Las Vegas. This trip traverses much of the stratigraphic section, from 1.7 billion year old gneisses to Cretaceous shales of the Raton Basin. The final day trip takes us southeast from Santa Fe, through the Cerrillos Hills and into the Ortiz Mountains. There are also three supplemental road logs. One from Santa Fe to Santa Fe ski area via Hyde Park road, another from Nambe Falls to Nambe Lake and one from Cerrillos to I-25 via Waldo.

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Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

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Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

First-day road log: From Santa Fe to Nambe, Cundiyo, Espanola, Abiquiu and Ghost Ranch (21.89 MB PDF)
— Gary A. Smith, Paul W. Bauer, Lucas G. Spencer, Mark A. Gonzalez, Barker, James, M., Frank E. Kottlowski, George S. Austin, and David W. Love, pp. 1-28. [SUMMARY]


Geologic synopsis of La Villa Real de La Santa Fe de San Francisco de Assisi
— Frank E. Kottlowski, pp. 2.
Buckman Well field
— Amy C. Lewis, pp. 4.
Contrasting modes of tephra preservation in the Skull Ridge Member of the Tesuque Formation
— Megan Rhoads and Gary A. Smith, pp. 5.
The Pliocene (?) Borrego pediment surface and development of the western Sangre de Cristo Mountains front
— Gary A. Smith and Frank J. Pazzaglia, pp. 6-8.
Estimated rates of Quaternary crustal extension in the Rio Grande rift, northern New Mexico
— Keith I. Kelson and Susan S. Olig, pp. 9-12.
Hydrocompactive soil field experiments near Espanola
— David W. Love, J. W. Hawley, G. D. Johnpeer, R. F. Reimers, and D. J. Bobrow, pp. 15-16.
Geology and ground water of the El Llano area
— John W. Hawley, pp. 16-18.
The Adobe Factory
— George S. Austin and Edward W. Smith, pp. 18-19.
Colonial copper mining in New Mexico
— Marc Simmons, pp. 23.
San Rafael Group--Morrison Formation contact, Ghost Ranch, New Mexico
— Orin J. Anderson, pp. 28.
Second-day road log, from Santa Fe to Pecos, Rowe, Bernal, Romeroville, and Mineral Hill (22.68 MB PDF)
— Paul W. Bauer, Christopher G. Daniel, Spencer G. Lucas, James M. Barker, and Frank E. Kottlowski, pp. 29-55. [SUMMARY]


Evidence for post-Laramide displacement on the Picuris-Pecos fault
— Shari A. Kelley, pp. 32-34.
Pecos mine and Alamitos Canyon mill
— Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 40-41.
A site conceptual model of environmental issues at the Pecos mine
— Peggy S. Johnson and Judith L. Deeds, pp. 41-44.
Summary of environmental sampling at forest service roads and campgrounds near Cowles, New Mexico
— Richard J. Koch and Gretchen Barkmann, pp. 43-44.
Feared throughout the land
— James L. Moore, pp. 44-45.
The forked lightening ranch
— Paul W. Bauer, pp. 45-46.
Stratigraphy across the Permian-Triassic disconformity in north-central New Mexico
— Spencer G. Lucas, pp. 50-51.
The Jurassic section at Romeroville, San Miguel County, New Mexico
— Spencer G. Lucas, Orin J. Anderson, and Maureen B. Steiner, pp. 51-53.
Third-day road log: From Santa Fe to the Cerrillos Hills, Cerrillos and the Ortiz Mountains (11.07 MB PDF)
— Paul W. Bauer, Stephen R. Maynard, Gary A. Smith, David L. Giles, Spencer G. Lucas, James M. Barker, Edward W. Smith, and Frank E. Kottlowski, pp. 57-70. [SUMMARY]


— Paul W. Bauer and David L. Giles, pp. 60-61.
Cerrillos mining district
— David L. Giles, pp. 61-62.
History and engineering aspects of Galisteo dam and reservoir, Santa Fe County, New Mexico
— Stan R. Helenfeld and Orin J. Anderson, pp. 64.
Mining history of the Cunningham deposit and Ortiz mine grant, Santa Fe County, New Mexico
— Homer E. Milford, pp. 65-67.
Supplemental road log 1: From Sante Fe to Sante Fe ski area via Hyde Park road (2.10 MB PDF)
— Rodney V. Metcalf and Christopher G. Daniel, pp. 71-73. [SUMMARY]

Roadlog References:

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Structure of the Espanola Basin, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico, from SAGE seismic and gravity data (4.07 MB PDF)
— John F. Ferguson, W. Scott Baldridge, Lawrence W. Braile, Shawn Biehler, Bernard Gilpin, and George R. Jiracek, pp. 105-110. [ABSTRACT]
Seismicity and faults in northern New Mexico (1.93 MB PDF)
— Leigh S. House and Hans Hartse, pp. 135-137. [ABSTRACT]
Industrial minerals and rocks in Santa Fe County, New Mexico (3.20 MB PDF)
— James M. Barker, George S. Austin, Edward W. Smith, and David J. Sivils, pp. 179-183. [ABSTRACT]
The reconstruction of a middle Proterozoic orogenic belt in north-central New Mexico, USA (5.75 MB PDF)
— Christopher G. Daniel, Karl E. Karlstrom, Michael L. Williams, and Jane N. Pedrick, pp. 193-200. [ABSTRACT]
Structural and thermal setting during emplacement of the Sandia Pluton (5.50 MB PDF)
— Eric Kirby, Karl E. Karlstrom, and Chris L. Andronicos, pp. 219-225. [ABSTRACT]
Triassic stratigraphy around the Sandia uplift, central New Mexico (6.59 MB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas and Andrew B. Heckert, pp. 233-241. [ABSTRACT]
Jurassic stratigraphy in the Hagan Basin, north-central New Mexico (6.87 MB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas, Orin J. Anderson, and Clarence Pigman, pp. 247-255. [ABSTRACT]
A late Cretaceous Mosasaur from north-central New Mexico (2.50 MB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas, Andrew B. Heckert, and Barry S. Kues, pp. 257-259. [ABSTRACT]
Quaternary history of the western Espanola Basin, New Mexico (7.53 MB PDF)
— David P. Dethier and Steven L. Reneau, pp. 289-298. [ABSTRACT]
Conceptual hydrologic systems for Sante Fe County (5.56 MB PDF)
— Amy C. Lewis and Francis West, pp. 299-306. [ABSTRACT]
A preliminary summary of multidisciplinary studies in the upper Pecos River area, Santa Fe and San Miguel Counties, New Mexico (5.26 MB PDF)
— Virginia T. McLemore, Lynn A. Brandvold, Donald K. Brandvold, Kevin Kirk, Carl Popp, Steve Hansen, R. Radkte, Philip P. Kyle, and Anwar M. Hossain, pp. 331-338. [ABSTRACT]

Back Matter: (usually includes a stratigraphic column and/or correlation chart)

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Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Bauer, P. W.; Kues, B. S.; Dunbar, N. W.; Karlstrom, K. E.; Harrison, B.; [eds.], 1995, Geology of the Santa Fe Region, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 46th Annual Field Conference, 338 pp.