New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Application of user-interactive web pages for presentation of large map-linked geological engineering databases

Adam Rewis1 and Brian S. Brister2

1Department of Computer Science, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM, New Mexico, 87801,
2NMBM&MR, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM, 87801

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The internet has become a common and popular method of making large, public-domain databases of technical information, and detailed maps, available to the public. Successful current examples from the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources web pages are:

  • STATEMAP Program geologic maps: http://geoinfo.nrr:t.edulmapslhome.html
  • Oil and gas maps: http://geoinJo.nmt.edulresourceslpetroleumipoolmaps.html
  • New Mexico subsurface database: http://geoinfo.nmt.eduldatalims/nm-ims.html

Continued petroleum industry intrest in the Morrow Formation natural gas play (Delaware basin, southeast New Mexico), and feedback from petroleum explorationists, suggested the desirability of creating an internet research pool for public-domain information about the play. The Morrow Internet Project is a cooperative effort between the New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Tech Department of Computer Science, New Mexico Petroleum Recovery Research Center, and Petroleum Technology Transfer Council.

Four products were integrated into the Morrow Internet Project:

  • A GIS map of the play area (ARCVIEW-based), containing numerous layers that may be turned on or off by the user and including user-selectable links to other databases.
  • Morrow well production history (MS SQL Server-based) accessible as a stand alone, search-by-query database linked to well spots on the GIS map.
  • gas pool (field) reservoir information (ACCESS-based) accessible as a stand alone, search-by-query database linked to pool outlines on the GIS map.
  • A bibliography of published geologic and engineering literature references pertaining to the Morrow Formation (ACCESS-based) accessible as a stand alone database linked to the reservoir information database.

Project completion is scheduled for August, 2000. A trial version can be accessed via: http://octane.nmt.edulmorrow/


arcview, gis, statemap,

pp. 68

2001 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 7, 2000, Macey Center
Online ISSN: 2834-5800