New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Preliminary results of recent mapping in the Santa Fe area (abs)

Adam S. Read

New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM, 87801

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Detailed and current geologic information remains important for understanding the water resources of the Santa Fe area. It has been almost four decades the still often-referenced "Geology and Water Resources of the Santa Fe Area, New Mexico" (Spiegel and Baldwin, 1963, USGS Water-Supply Paper-1525) was published and over a decade more since fieldwork for most of the fine geological maps included in that volume was done. The need fcir more current information is made more pressing as continued development and population growth rely more heavily on limited groundwater resources. New geologic mapping of 7.5" quadrangles in the area will build on prior work and will form the basis of future work in the area. In addition, utilization of a considerable body of subsurface information will improve our understanding of basin development and aquifer potential. This presentation will focus on the results of current mapping and subsurface interpretation within the following Santa Fe area 7.5" quadrangles:

Read, A.S., Rogers, J., RaIser, S., Smith, G., Bauer, P.W., 2000, Geology of the Santa Fe 7.5-min. quadrangle, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,
Open-file Geologic Map OF-GM 32, scale 1:12,000.

Read, A.S., Rogers, J., RaIser, S., llg, B., Kelley, S., 1999, Geology of the Seton Village 7.5-min quadrangle, Santa Fe County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open-file Geologic Map OG-GM 23, scale 1:12,000.

(also, if time permits)
Koning, D. and Hallett, B., 2000, Geology of the Turquoise Hill 7.5-min. quadrangle, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Open-file Geologic Map OF-GM 41, scale 1:24,000.


geological mapping

pp. 28

2001 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 7, 2000, Macey Center
Online ISSN: 2834-5800