New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting — Abstracts

Dextral oblique-slip deformation along the Montosa fault zone at Abo Pass, Valencia and Socorro Counties, New Mexico

Steven N. Hayden

Department of Geology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM

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The Montosa Fault (MF) zone bounds the Los Pinos and southern Manzano mountain ranges on their eastern margins. The MF, formerly mapped as a Laramide thrust fault, displays dextral-oblique motion by an anastomozing zone of conjugate Riedel shears and by slickensides which rake the fault plane from 26°S to 75°S. The MF zone (Fig. 1) follows foliation in the Proterozoic Sais Quartzite, which dips 55° -75° →N70° W, for several miles from Cerro Montosa in the Los Pinos Mountains to the Abo Pass area of Socorro and Valencia counties. It is then deflected to the east around a chevron fold in the Sais Quartzite and the southern margin of the Proterozoic, quartz monzonitic Priest Pluton (Fig. 1). This deflection causes a right-stepping, releasing (transtensional) bend. This releasing bend is characterized by a 1-km-long, by 1/3-km-wide depression flanked by normal faults and an extensional syncline. The west-flowing Abo Arroyo turns NNE for 1/2 km through this bend east of the Sais Quarry of the Santa Fe Railroad, before resuming its westward drainage. North of Abo Arroyo, the dip of the MF varies from 50° E (dextral normal-slip) to 70° W (dextral reverse-slip), and resumes the NNE trend. The variable-slip geometry of this fault zone indicates that a complex dextral transpressional tectonic regime was responsible for the late Laramide uplift of the Manzano and Los Pinos mountain ranges. Previously published fission-track dates suggest that uplift occurred from Paleocene time in the Los Pinos Mountains to Late Eocene time in the Manzano Mountains.


deformation, Montosa fault,

pp. 21

1991 New Mexico Geological Society Annual Spring Meeting
April 5, 1991, Macey Center
Online ISSN: 2834-5800