New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 21
Tyrone-Big Hatchet Mountain-Florida Mountains Region


Lee A. Woodward, ed, 1970, 176 pages.

This field conference marks the third time that the New Mexico Geological Society has gathered in southwestern New Mexico. Although the last field conference was held in 1965 (Guidebook 16) there arc sufficient new developments of geological interest to make the current field conference significant to all segments of the profession. In contrast to the broad, regional aspects of the earlier field conferences held in this region, this excursion concerns detailed examination of the outcrops. Southwestern New Mexico is geologically complex and the geologic features include a wide variety, ranging from the crystalline basement to the volcano-tectonic elements of the Mogollon country. We have attempted to reflect this immense variety in the articles in the Guidebook with everything from unusual contact metamorphism to carbonate petrology. Our field conference centers about Deming and each day's excursion leads in a different direction, like spokes radiating from a hub. A map of the route and the stops is found on the end pages of the Guidebook. The first day road log is from Deming to Tyrone. The second day road log is from Deming to Hachita, Playas Valley, Big Hatchet Mountains area, and Winkler Anticline (Animas Mountains). The third day road log is from Deming to Capitol Dome and Mahoney Park in the Florida Mountains.

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Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

Download (1.33 MB PDF)

Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

First day road log from Deming to Tyrone
— New Mexico Geological Society Road Logging Committee, pp. 1-15.
Road log, N.M. 90, from Mimbres Valley to Silver City
— Will W. Baltosser, pp. 7-13.
Road log from Silver City to Tyrone
— Will W. Baltosser, H. L. James, R. M. Hernon, and W. R. Jones, pp. 13-15.
Second day road log from Deming to Hachita, Playas Valley, Bit Hatchet Mountains area, and Winkler anticline (Animas Mountains)
— Edward E. Kinney, W. W. Baltosser, R. E. Murphy, D. W. Greenlee, and Jorge Tovar, pp. 16-22.
Third day road log from Deming to Capitol dome and Mahoney Park in the Florida Mountains
— Robert E. Murphy, LeRoy L. Corbitt, and Edward E. Kinney, pp. 23-26.


Upper Paleozoic and Cretaceous stratigraphy of the Hidalgo County area, New Mexico (3.61 MB PDF)
— Eugene Greenwood, F. E. Kottlowski, and A. K. Armstrong, pp. 33-44.
Progress report on the Mogollon Plateau volcanic province, southwestern New Mexico, no. 2 (1.53 MB PDF)
— Wolfgang E. Elston, P. J. Coney, and R. C. Rhodes, pp. 75-86.
Petroleum geology of southwestern New Mexico (3.66 MB PDF)
— Zeller, Robert A., Jr., pp. 87-90.
Fluorspar (409 KB PDF)
— Howard E. Rothrock, pp. 123-125.
Contact metamorphism in the Tres Hermanas, Luna County, New Mexico (1.19 MB PDF)
— Frank C. Homme and Abraham Rosenzweig, pp. 141-145.

Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Woodward, L. A.; [ed.], 1970, Tyrone, Big Hatchet Mountain, Florida Mountains Region, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 21st Annual Field Conference, 176 pp.