New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 36
Santa Rosa-Tucumcari Region


Spencer G. Lucas and Jiri Zidek, eds, 1985, 344 pages.

On 22 September 1853, Jules Marcou spent four hours studying the stratigraphy and paleontology of an isolated butte he called Pyramid Mountain, an outlier of the Llano Estacado about 13 miles southwest of the present site of Tucumcari. Marcou's subsequent publication of his studies, particularly his assertion that the strata under most of the western plains of North America are of Jurassic age, initiated a scientific debate that lasted almost 40 years. It also put the geology of east-central New Mexico on the scientific map. 132 years later, east -central New Mexico is still on that map as one of the classic Mesozoic terranes of western North America. This guidebook, and the field conference it elucidates, explore this terrane and the challenging problems it poses for the stratigrapher, paleontologist and sedimentologist.

The first-day road log is from Santa Rosa to Bull Canyon, Ragland, Tucumcari, Ute Dam, Mosquero and Trementina. This tour of the plateaus and canyons east and northeast of Santa Rosa emphasizes (1) Triassic and Jurassic stratigraphy; (2) the Ogallala Formation on the Llano Estacado; (3) the history of geological study of east-central New Mexico, especially the works of Jules Marcou; (4) the stratigraphic relationships of the Triassic of east-central New Mexico and the Dockum Group of western Texas and (5) the history of the Canadian River.

The second-day road log is from Santa Rosa to Newkirk, Variadero, Trujillo, Las Vegas, Tecolotito, Anton Chico, Dilia and back to Santa Rosa.This tour visits the canyons and plateaus north of Santa Rosa with a focus on (1) the Chinle Formation, especially the Cuervo Membe; (2) Jurassic and Cretaceous stratigraphy along the Las Vegas Plateau and southeastern flank of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains and (3) Permo-Triassic stratigraphy.

The third-day road log is from Santa Rosa to Sumner Lake, Fort Sumner, Vaughn, Pastura and Vegas Junction. This trip visits the plains and valleys south of Santa Rosa and focuses on (1) the Santa Rosa Formation; (2) Quaternary stratigraphy and sedimentation in the Upper Pecos Valley and adjecent areas; (3) karst and solution subsidence; and (4) Permian stratigraphy.

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Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

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Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

First-day road log, from Santa Rosa to Bull Canyon, Ragland, Tucumcari, Ute Dam, Mosquero and Trementina
— Spencer G. Lucas, Barry S. Kues, Weadock, Gary, Kietzke, Kenneth, K., John W. Hawley, Adrian P. Hunt, and J. Niall, pp. 1-31.


Heavy-oil deposits of the Santa Rosa Formation
— Antonius J. Budding, pp. 2-3.
Calcretes of the Santa Rosa area
— Daniel A. McGrath and John W. Hawley, pp. 4-6.
Neocalamites forest in the Upper Triassic of Bull Canyon, New Mexico
— Spencer G. Lucas, Adrian P. Hunt, and Kenneth K. Kietzke, pp. 8-9.
The Tucumcari mammoths excavated by the Denver Museum of Natural History in 1930
— David D. Gillette, J. Lynett Gillette, and Jack Murphy, pp. 14-17.
Second-day road log from Santa Rosa to Newkirk, Variadero, Trujillo, Las Vegas, Tecolotito, Anton Chico, Dilia, and back to Santa Rosa
— Spencer G. Lucas, Barry S. Kues, Gary Weadock, Kietzke, Kenneth, K., John W. Hawley, Adrian P. Hunt, and J. Niall, pp. 33-61.


History of the Newkirk oil field
— McKallip, Curtis, Jr., pp. 36-37.
Sedimentology of the Mesa Rica Sandstone--A preliminary report
— Michael J. Kisucky and Robyn Wright, pp. 38-40.
Preliminary report on the occurrence of Mammuthus sp. in Mora County, New Mexico
— David D. Gillette, C. Vance Haynes, Jeffrey J. Saunders, and Dennis Stanford, pp. 48-50.
Middle Triassic amphibian from basal Santa Rosa Formation, east-central New Mexico
— Spencer G. Lucas and Michael Morales, pp. 56-57.
Third-day road log, from Santa Rosa to Sumner Lake, Fort Sumner, Vaughn, Pastura, and Vegas Junction
— Barry S. Kues, Spencer G. Lucas, Gary Weadock, John W. Hawley, Kenneth K. Kietzke, and Adrian P. Hunt, pp. 63-76.
Supplemental road log 1, from Luciano Mesa to Montoya
— Spencer G. Lucas, Kenneth K. Kietzke, Gary Weadock, and Niall J. Mateer, pp. 77-78.
Supplemental road log 2, from NM-18 to north end of Mesa Redonda
— Spencer G. Lucas, Weadock, Gary, Hunt, Adrian P., and L. Cliff Payne, pp. 78-79.
Supplemental road log 3, Mesa Quemado and Pyramid Mountain
— Barry S. Kues and Kenneth K. Kietzke, pp. 80-85.
Supplemental road log 4, from Tucumcari to junction of NM-104 and 129
— Niall J. Mateer, pp. 86-88.
Supplemental road log 5, from Tucumcari to Texas border
— Niall J. Mateer, pp. 88-89.
Supplemental road log 6, from Santa Rosa to Santa Rosa Lake State Park
— Barry S. Kues, pp. 89-91.
Supplemental road log 7, from Santa Rosa to Puerto de Luna
— Barry S. Kues, Spencer G. Lucas, Kenneth K. Kietzke, and Gary Weadock, pp. 91-93.
Supplemental road log 8, from I-40 to Colonias
— Barry S. Kues, pp. 94-95.
Supplemental road log 9, from Pastura to Santa Rosa
— Barry S. Kues, pp. 95-96.
Supplemental road log 10, from Vegas Junction to Clines Corners
— Barry S. Kues, Spencer G. Lucas, and John W. Hawley, pp. 96-98.
Supplemental road log 11, from Clines Corners to Pedernal Highlands
— Michael L. Williams, Paul W. Bauer, and F. E. Kottlowski, pp. 99-100.


Triassic vertebrates from east-central New Mexico in the Yale Peabody Museum (662 KB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas, Adrian P. Hunt, and Christopher Bennett, pp. 199-203. [ABSTRACT]
Triassic microvertebrate locality, Chinle Formation, east-central New Mexico (880 KB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas, Wayne Oakes, and Jeffery W. Froehlich, pp. 205-212. [ABSTRACT]
The Jurassic system in east-central New Mexico (3.13 MB PDF)
— Spencer G. Lucas, Kenneth K. Kietzke, and Adrian P. Hunt, pp. 213-242. [ABSTRACT]
Synopsis of Tucumcari Shale, Mesa Rica Sandstone, and Pajarito Shale paleontology, Cretaceous of east-central New Mexico (2.25 MB PDF)
— Barry S. Kues, Spencer G. Lucas, Kenneth K. Kietzke, and Niall J. Mateer, pp. 261-281. [ABSTRACT]
Copper and uranium mineralization in east-central New Mexico (1.30 MB PDF)
— Virginia T. McLemore and Robert M. North, pp. 289-299. [ABSTRACT]

Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Lucas, S. G.; Zidek, J.; [eds.], 1985, Santa Rosa, Tucumcari Region, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 36th Annual Field Conference, 344 pp.