New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 13
Mogollon Rim Region, East-Central Arizona


Robert H. Weber and H. Wesley Peirce, eds., 1962, 175 pages.

Welcome to the Thirteenth Annual Field Conference of the New Mexico Geological Society in the Mogollon Rim country of Arizona. This is our second conference to be held in cooperation with the Arizona Geological Society, and the road logs and technical papers in this guidebooks shed light on many problems which are of mutual interest to geologists in both states . The first day of our trip takes us southward and westward from Gallup, New Mexico into Arizona and the Mogollon Rim country. As we travel the rim, we will see Cretaceous and younger rocks that have been deposited on the beveled surface of progressively older rocks. We will drive through the northwestern edge of the Datil volcanic field and will be able to trace some of the ancient drainage channels of the Little Colorado River, down which the lava flowed, by the erosional remnants. The second day will be devoted to viewing and discussing the geologic setting of two of Arizona's copper mining districts, Globe-Miami and Superior. The third day's route traverses the northwest-southeast trending Plateau-Basin Range boundary zone. The earlier part of the trip will be in Tonto Basin, situated between relatively flat-lying younger Precambrian rocks of the Sierra Ancha Mountains to the north or Plateau side, and the structurally-deformed Precambrian rocks of the centrral mountain belt to the south. Midway we will be on the plateau proper, but will go back down into the northwest-trending Verde Valley, a continuation of the Tonto Basin trend. From the largely Precambrian terrain of the Jerome area, we will cross the Verde Valley into the dominantly Paleozoic sedimentary and Cenozoic volcanic terrain of Flagstaff and Plateau region.

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Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

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Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)

Road log from Gallup, New Mexico to Globe, Arizona
— R. H. Weber, H. W. Peirce, and R. E. Ostrander, pp. 10-25.
Road log from Globe to Superior, Arizona and return
— Jay P. Akers, pp. 26-30.
Globe to Flagstaff, AZ
— H. Wesley Peirce, M. E. Cooley, P. W. Johnson, and William J. Breed, pp. 31-49.
Alternate road log from mile 152.4 to Flagstaff via Black Canyon highway
— William J. Breed, pp. 50-52.


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New K-Ar dates for the Precambrian of Pinal, Gila, Yavapai and Coconino counties, Arizona (594 KB PDF)
— Paul E. Damon, Donald E. Livingston, and Rolfe C. Erickson, pp. 56-57.
Devonian conodonts in Arizona (1.17 MB PDF)
— R. L. Ethington, pp. 72-76.
Pennsylvanian rocks of the Mogollon Rim area, Arizona (1.63 MB PDF)
— Frank E. Kottlowski and Kay C. Havenor, pp. 77-83.
Cenozoic sedimentary rocks of Tonto Basin (564 KB PDF)
— John F. Lance, Joe S. Downey, and Malcolm Alford, pp. 98-99.
Mogollon rim volcanism and geochronology (1.58 MB PDF)
— Bruno E. Sabels, pp. 100-106.
Pollen analysis of Laguna Salada (899 KB PDF)
— Richard H. Hevly, pp. 115-117.
Springs Along the Mogollon Rim in Arizona (1.34 MB PDF)
— J. H. Feth and J. D. Hem, pp. 129-134.
Geological Notes on the Miami-Inspiration Mine (1.22 MB PDF)
— E. F. Reed and W. W. Simmons, pp. 153-157.
Zuni in brief review (1.89 MB PDF)
— Bertha P. Dutton, pp. 162-170.
Archaeology of the Flagstaff area (684 KB PDF)
— Harold S. Colton, pp. 171-172.

Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Weber, R. H.; Peirce, H. W.; [eds.], 1962, Mogollon Rim Region (East-Central Arizona), New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 13th Annual Field Conference, 175 pp.