New Mexico Geological Society
Fall Field Conference Guidebook - 51
Southwest Passage-A trip through the Phanerozoic


Timothy F. Lawton, Nancy J. McMillan and Virginia T. McLemore, eds, 2000, 282 pages.

Welcome to the Southwest Passage, the arid steppes and mountains of southwestern New Mexico's Basin-and-Range Province. Dry and windy, high and lonesome: this region's descriptors do not elicit comfort, yet the area has been a key crossroads as long as we have knowledge of human transit. The first day route traverses the Pyramid Mountains near Lordsburg to visit the Lordsburg mining district, ash-flow tuffs in the range, and hydrothermal sites associated with the western range-bounding fault. The second day features the Little Hatchet Mountains, with an overview of the Eureka mining district in the northern part of the range, an assessment of recent discoveries and advances in the Mesozoic stratigraphy and igneous history, and a stop at a skarn deposit formed at an intrusive contact of Tertiary granite and Paleozoic carbonate rocks. The third day route visists Cambrian alkalic basement exposures and low angle faults of controversial nature in the Florida Mountains. There is also a supplemental roadlog from Lordsburg to Redrock, Ash Creek and Jack Creek in the northern Burro Mountains to examine Proterozoic rocks.

Best Guidebook Award, 2001Geoscience Information Society

ISBN: 9781585460861
Softcover: $5.00 Buy Now

Table of Contents:

Note —Downloads of the papers below are free. Road logs, mini-papers, and some other sections of recent guidebooks are only available in print.

Front Matter: (includes Dedication, President's Message, & Conference Organizer's Message)

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Roadlogs: (each includes listed mini-papers)


The Lordsburg mining district, Hidalgo County, New Mexico
— J. L. White, pp. 3-4.
40Ar/39Ar geochronology of igneous rocks in the Lordsburg mining district, Northern Pyramid Mountains, Hidalgo County, New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore, Lisa Peters, and Matt T. Heizler, pp. 6-8.
Second-day road log, from Lordsburg to Deming via Little Hatchet Mountains and Victorio Mountains (4.30 MB PDF)
— T. F. Lawton, N. J. McMillan, V. T. McLemore, and J. W. Hawley, pp. 17-30. [SUMMARY]


The Eureka mining district, Grant County, New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 21-22.
Dinosaur skin impressions from the Upper Cretaceous Ringbone Formation, Little Hatchet Mountains, New Mexico
— Spencer G. Lucas, pp. 26-27.
Third-day road log, from Deming to Victorio Canyon and the southern Florida Mountains (4.49 MB PDF)
— Nancy J. McMillan, Virginia T. McLemore, Jeffrey M. Amato, John W. Hawley, and Katherine A. Giles, pp. 31-44. [SUMMARY]


Rockhound State Park and Spring Canyon Recreation Area
— Virginia T. McLemore, Nelia W. Dunbar, and W. C. McIntosh, pp. 33-34.
Florida Mountains mining district, Luna County, New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 35.
Cambrian tectonics of New Mexico and Colorado
— Nancy J. McMillan, Virginia T. McLemore, and Sheryl D. Erwin, pp. 37-39.
The Tres Hermanas mining district, Luna County, New Mexico
— Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 40-41.
Pancho Villa State Park
— Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 43-44.


Milling and smelting at the Steeple Rock mining district
— Ibrahim H. Gundiler, pp. 60-61.

Roadlog References:

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Rift basin structure in the Border region of northern Chihuahua (1.74 MB PDF)
— Alberto J. Jiminez and G. Randy Keller, pp. 79-83. [ABSTRACT]
Geology and geochemistry of Proterozoic granitic and mafic rocks in the Redrock area, northern Burro Mountains, Grant County, New Mexico-A progress report (3.17 MB PDF)
— Virginia T. McLemore, O. Tapani Ramo, Paula J. Kosunen, Matt Heizler, Ilmari Haapala, and Christopher McKee, pp. 117-126. [ABSTRACT]
Magmatic history of the Little Hatchet Mountains, Hidalgo and Grant counties, southwestern New Mexico (2.19 MB PDF)
— Ryan Channell, Nancy J. McMillan, Timothy F. Lawton, Matt Heizler, Richard P. Esser, and Virginia T. McLemore, pp. 141-148. [ABSTRACT]
Volcanology, geochemistry and structural geology of the Upper Cretaceous Hidalgo Formation, southwestern New Mexico (2.72 MB PDF)
— John R. Young, Nancy J. McMillan, Timothy F. Lawton, and Richard P. Esser, pp. 149-156. [ABSTRACT]
Chronology and geochemistry of the Boot Heel volcanic field, New Mexico (4.81 MB PDF)
— William C. McIntosh and Charles Bryan, pp. 157-174. [ABSTRACT]
Some notes on the hydrogeology and ground-water quality of the Animas Basin system, southwestern New Mexico (2.26 MB PDF)
— Barry J. Hibbs, Monica M. Lee, John W. Hawley, and John F. Kennedy, pp. 227-234. [ABSTRACT]
The Hidalgo Smelter (1.12 MB PDF)
— Ibrahim H. Gundiler, pp. 263-266. [ABSTRACT]
Geology and mineral deposits of the Victorio mining district, Luna County, New Mexico-Preliminary observations (3.92 MB PDF)
— Virginia T. McLemore, Nelia Dunbar, Matt Heizler, and Kelly Donahue, pp. 267-278. [ABSTRACT]

Back Matter: (usually includes a stratigraphic column and/or correlation chart)

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Recommended Guidebook Citation:

  1. Lawton, T. F.; McMillan, N. J.; McLemore, V. T.; [eds.], 2000, Southwest Passage: A trip through the Phanerozoic, New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook, 51st Annual Field Conference, 282 pp. ISBN: 9781585460861